from the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 3, 1999
by Dr. William L. Pierce
YOU KNOW, there’s one thing you can say for the Jews: they do have a sense of humor. They had a real comedian dream up the name “peacekeeping mission” for the murderous forays they send United Nations and NATO troops on. Their gangs of mercenary killers are called “peacekeepers,” but wherever they go to enforce the will of the New World Order they cause bloodshed and suffering, and nowhere is that more true than in Serbia. (ILLUSTRATION: NATO bombing in Serbia)
The Jews undoubtedly are greatly amused by the ease with which they are able to deceive the Gentiles in such matters. . . .
Continue reading Lies and Consequences . . .
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured; portrait by S.M. Casper)
AS WE GROW OLDER our attitudes change — not just our opinions on particular subjects, but also our general outlook on life. This changing outlook is manifested in different people in different ways, but there are common elements which apply to most people. For example as most people grow older they become less willing to take chances — chances of any kind. Politically, economically, and socially they become more conservative, more determined to hold onto what they have than to try for something different. And older men are also less willing to risk their lives — even though they have much less to lose — than younger men are.
In . . .
Continue reading Making Your Life Count . . .
Suppression of freedom of speech is a long-term goal of the Jewish supremacists, and one that has been achieved in many nations already.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
SOMETIME SOON Americans will lose their freedom of speech. When it happens, most of them won’t even notice.
After an intense and carefully orchestrated lobbying effort by prominent Jewish and Christian leaders, punctuated with veiled threats of violence from spokesmen for major Black and Hispanic organizations if their demands for legislation are not met, a bipartisan group of congressmen will sponsor a bill prohibiting “group libel.” Leaders of both the conservative and the liberal factions in the Congress will speak eloquently in favor of the bill, and debate will be minimal. . . .
Continue reading The “Holocaust” as Gag . . .
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
THE LAST FIFTEEN YEARS have seen the re-emergence of academic studies which apply evolutionary theory to the understanding of human behavior. For the most part, interpretations derived from such studies have emphasized the importance of natural selection at the level of the individual or the gene, not the group. They have continued to conceptualize individuals as free agents, whose group membership is nothing more than an expression of self-interest and convenience.
Recently, however, developments in genetic science and population biology have enabled Darwinian biological theory to be extended logically to show that human society exists not as a collection of selfish individuals with selfish genes, but as a collection of selfish groups with selfish . . .
Continue reading Two Lessons in Racial Survival . . .
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
PROBABLY THE GREATEST piece of foolishness current in America, after the notion that all the country’s citizens are inherently “equal,” is the belief that they are collectively capable of governing themselves wisely.
Wisdom and will are individual, not collective attributes, yet so steeped have we all become in democratic mythology that we personify the crowd, imagining that it possesses both. We seem to believe, along with the late Chairman Mao, that the ultimate repository of civic virtue is “the masses.”
The populist daydream, indulged in by rightists and leftists alike, is of a long-suffering, commonsensical American citizenry which, if left alone by the gangsters in Washington, could manage to keep the country’s wheels turning, . . .
Continue reading The Organizational Nexus . . .
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured, portrait by Will Williams)
HISTORY HAS TAUGHT us that the most fundamental necessities for the existence of a healthy and progressive White society are the racial quality of its members and a moral code or value system which complements and enhances that quality.
Ultimately, of course, the former is much more fundamental than the latter. Only a sound race can give birth to sound racial ethics. Without the living biological entity, there is and can be nothing. But as long as the race survives — as long as the potential for effective racial sovereignty exists — alien and spiritually damaging values alone will not prove fatal.
The enemies of our race have obviously long . . .
Continue reading Miscegenation: The Morality of Death . . .
This article was originally published in National Vanguard Magazine.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WITH GUN OWNERS increasingly aware of the Jewish leadership of the gun-banning movement, a group of Jews in Milwaukee claiming to be defenders of the Second Amendment have been noisily denouncing gun control as a “Nazi” scheme. The group, calling themselves Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, assert that Adolf Hitler was the father of all gun grabbers. The proof of this, they claim, was the German Weapons Law (Waffengesetz) of March 18, 1938, which was enacted by Germany’s National Socialist government. They have succeeded in persuading at least one magazine read by firearms enthusiasts to publicize their claims repeatedly (Guns and Ammo, May 1993 . . .
Continue reading Is Gun Control a “Nazi” Scheme? . . .
This month, August, 2015, is the 30th anniversary of Dr. Pierce’s moving of the National Alliance National Office headquarters from Arlington, Virginia, to its present location near Hillsboro, West Virginia.
In January, 1986, after the move to The Land in West Virginia, Dr. Pierce wrote to National Vanguard subscribers and supporters in a letter, telling them about”
…the relocation and reorganization of our entire editorial, publishing, and book-distributing activity. Our former offices, near Washington, DC, had become both too cramped and too expensive for us to remain there. Consequently, in August we moved everything except our editorial operation to Baltimore, Maryland, where we now have more room and lower overhead expenses. Our worldwide distribution of books and other printed materials . . .
Continue reading “In August we made our start” . . .
by Dr. William Pierce
IN ANY COMMUNITY, a stranger who wants an introduction to local right-wing circles needs only walk into the nearest “health food” store. There, among the shelves of sunflower seeds, dried seaweed, and wheat germ he is sure to rub elbows with any number of LOLITS (Little Old Ladies In Tennis Shoes), Minute Men, Birchites, and others of a generally rightist hue — and perhaps a few SDS’ers too, for many members of the New Left have also shown a growing interest in so-called health foods in the last couple of years.
Certified Crackpots
Unfortunately, he will also meet his fill of diet faddists, religious weirdoes, certified crackpots, and even a few paranoiacs who . . .
Continue reading Natural Foods and Health . . .
by Dr. William Pierce THE MAN MOST directly responsible for the demise of the British Empire and its replacement as a world power by the Soviet Empire is Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965). The policies which he advocated as a member of the British government in the period just before World War II and the policies which he followed as prime minister during that war were diametrically opposed to the interests of the British people and led ultimately to the sad plight in which Britain finds herself today. Churchill acted as he did, because he consciously and deliberately served alien interests from 1938, at the latest, until the end of the war. Winston Churchill was the descendant of a . . .
Continue reading The Buying of Mr. Churchill . . .
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