Zion’s Cultural Putsch:

The Judaization of American Literatureby Vic Olvir

From National Vanguard magazine No. 105, May-June, 1985

In the past quarter-century or so a rather peculiar fate has befallen American literature: the tradition of the American novel begun by such illustrious names as Hawthorne, Melville, Twain, and James, and carried on by such as Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Hemingway, and Wolfe, has now seemingly devolved upon writers whose names happen to be Bellow, Mailer, Malamud, Wouk, and Roth. Further, the critical establishment that nurtured and sustained the rise of the former group of writers has been transformed; it now consists more and more of Jewish critics reviewing Jewish writers in publications owned by Jews. This change in the racial composition of American . . .

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