Lies and Consequences

from the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 3, 1999

by Dr. William L. Pierce

YOU KNOW, there’s one thing you can say for the Jews: they do have a sense of humor. They had a real comedian dream up the name “peacekeeping mission” for the murderous forays they send United Nations and NATO troops on. Their gangs of mercenary killers are called “peacekeepers,” but wherever they go to enforce the will of the New World Order they cause bloodshed and suffering, and nowhere is that more true than in Serbia. (ILLUSTRATION: NATO bombing in Serbia)

The Jews undoubtedly are greatly amused by the ease with which they are able to deceive the Gentiles in such matters. . . .

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Making Your Life Count

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured; portrait by S.M. Casper)

AS WE GROW OLDER our attitudes change — not just our opinions on particular subjects, but also our general outlook on life. This changing outlook is manifested in different people in different ways, but there are common elements which apply to most people. For example as most people grow older they become less willing to take chances — chances of any kind. Politically, economically, and socially they become more conservative, more determined to hold onto what they have than to try for something different. And older men are also less willing to risk their lives — even though they have much less to lose — than younger men are.

In . . .

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