Dr. Pierce’s “State of the Race” in the Watergate Era

From ATTACK! tabloid, Issue No. 21, 1973:The Alienated SocietyOne thing which the Watergate affair clearly demonstrates is that the same alienation which has swept millions of dropped-out young Americans into the drug-ridden “counter-culture” pervades our entire society, even to the Oval Office in Washington and the boardrooms of Wall Street. In fact, it is even more pervasive in the highest political and economic strata of our ruling gerentocracy  than it is in our high schools and colleges. It began at the top and worked its way down. 

Leaders Have Sold OutAlienation among America’s so-called “leaders” during the last half-century or so — alienation which has taken the form of an inner attitude of It’s-every-man-for-himself-and-I’m-looking-out-for-number-one — is, historically, the cause of . . .

Continue reading Dr. Pierce’s “State of the Race” in the Watergate Era . . .

The Coming of the Jews to America

From Issue No. 77 of National Vanguard tabloid, 1980:

Race-conscious Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam Tried to Halt Infestation The Coming of the Jews to America The first 23 Jews to settle in what is now the United States landed as a group in 1654 at a small trading village at the tip of Manhattan Island. It is fitting that from the outset the destinies of American Jewry and of the little town that grew to be New York, America’s greatest city, should be linked, for it was through the portals of New York harbor that the great majority of the later Jewish immigrants to America would pass, and it was in New York that their children and grandchildren would . . .

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Sluyterman: Artist of Blood and Soil

“Who wants to live, so he must  fight, and who does not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to live.”  – Mein KampfFrom National Vanguard tabloid, Issue No. 63, 1978:Sluyterman: Artist of Blood and Soil

Georg Sluyterman van Langeweyde, a great graphic artist, painter and folksong composer, died last January at the age of 74 [born: 4/13/1903]. His body was laid . . .

Continue reading Sluyterman: Artist of Blood and Soil . . .

Call of the Blood album reviewed (1995)

Original cover art by Alfred Sundvall

Dresden is Joseph Pryce and Knut Pedersen. All songs by Joseph Pryce except Horst Wessell Song paraphrased by Joseph Pryce. Dresden’s new album, Call of the Blood, is a new kind of music for White people. Crafted with jewel-like care; with haunting, poetic lyrics; beautiful yet powerful arrangements and instrumentation; and soaring vocals; Call of the Blood combines the best elements of rock and traditional European music. Call of the Blood includes a lyric sheet to help you fully experience the impact of these new, masterfully written and produced songs. Call of the Blood will open a gateway in the minds of Aryan youth to a new and brighter future. – . . .

Continue reading Call of the Blood album reviewed (1995) . . .

Dr. Pierce with his old friend Hans Schmidt

One of the last National Alliance meetings Dr. Pierce attended before his untimely death in July, 2002, was in February of that year down in North Georgia at Chester Doles’ National Alliance Local Unit’s headquarters building which Chester and other Alliance built for the purpose of holding their regular meetings.

Mr. Doles’ Local Unit was broken up when federal authorities sent him off to prison on a trumped up weapons possession charge soon after Dr. Pierce’s death. More here: http://www.rickross.com/reference/kkk/kkk66.html

Hans Schmidt was a long time friend of Dr. Pierce’s. For years, well into the 1990s, Dr. Pierce’s primary transportation while living in West Virginia was a 1972 Opel Kadett station wagon that Mr. Schmidt had given to him after . . .

Continue reading Dr. Pierce with his old friend Hans Schmidt . . .