Background to Treason : Part III

Background to Treason

A Brief History Of U.S. Policy in the Middle East

Part 3: From 1933 to the Second World War[1]

By Dr. William Pierce

The almost simultaneous accession to power, early in 1933, of Adolf Hitler and Franklin Roosevelt is one of the great ironies of history.

Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin enjoying a laugh at Tehran Conference, 1943

The time called for strong White leadership. The largest White nation on earth was prostrate under the heel of a Jew-inspired and still largely Jew-staffed terror-regime of extraordinary virulence and expansionist propensity.[2] In the 14 years of its existence the Jewish-Bolshevik regime in the Soviet Union had murdered some 20 million Russians and Ukrainians. . . .

Continue reading Background to Treason : Part III . . .

Background to Treason, Part II

Background to Treason, Part II A Brief History of U.S. Policy in the Middle East, Part 2: From the Balfour Declaration to the Roosevelt Era [1] by Dr. William L. Pierce Jewish immigration, nearly all of it from Eastern Europe, swelled the number of Jews in the United States by a factor of 10 in the four decades between 1890 and 1930, establishing a power base for the realization of Zionist schemes. In some years during this period more than half of all the immigrants to the United States were Jews, as are these men and a woman being checked by medical examiners at New York’s Ellis Island entry station. . . .

Continue reading Background to Treason, Part II . . .

Background to Treason – Part I: From the Exodus to the Balfour Declaration

From National Vanguard (December 1982)

A Brief History of U.S. Policy in the Middle East By Dr. William Pierce

Part 1 : From the Exodus to the Balfour Declaration

All the turmoil and hatred and killing in the Middle East, some 6,000 miles from home, seems a distant problem to most Americans, who are much more concerned with economic woes or street crime or non-White immigrants. Yet, there is a much closer connection between the problems at home and that distant one than is generally realized. It behooves every responsible and thoughtful American to understand the background of his government’s policies and actions in the Middle East, for only when he does can he understand fully what must be done to . . .

Continue reading Background to Treason – Part I: From the Exodus to the Balfour Declaration . . .

Henry Williamson: Nature’s Visionary

From National Vanguard magazine, Issue No. 117, 1997:

Henry Williamson: Nature’s Visionary By Mark Deavin

The fact that the name of Henry Williamson is today so little known across the White world is a sad reflection of the extent to which Western man has allowed himself to be deprived of his culture and identity over the last 50 years. Until the Second World War Williamson was generally regarded as one of the great English Nature writers, possessing a unique ability to capture the essential essence and meaning of the natural world in all its variety and forms.

His most famous Nature book, Tarka the Otter, was published in 1927 and became one of the best-loved children’s books of . . .

Continue reading Henry Williamson: Nature’s Visionary . . .

Survivalism: Response to Racial Chaos

Editorial by Dr. William L. Pierce,  National Vanguard magazine, IssuNo. 83Survivalism: Response to Racial Chaos . . .

WABC’s Bob Grant questions Dr. William Pierce about The Turner Diaries and Tim McVeigh

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