The Law

From National Vanguard Issue No. 97, October 1983 There was a time when “law and order” was both one of the firmest foundation blocks of Western civilization and a rallying cry against the internal enemies of the West; now, under the influence of the democratic political process, it is becoming a sick joke.

Every American schoolchild is taught that the Founding Fathers, in their boundless wisdom, ensured that the government of the United States would never become a threat to the freedom of its citizens. They accomplished this miracle by dividing government powers among three independent branches — legislative, executive, and judicial — and by instituting a system of “checks and balances” to prevent any of the . . .

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The Measure of Greatness

by Dr William L. PierceFrom National Vanguard magazine issue No. 110, March-April 1989 April 20 of this year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of the greatest man of our era — a man who dared more and achieved more, who set his aim higher and climbed higher, who felt more deeply and stirred the souls of those around him more mightily, who was more closely attuned to the Life Force which permeates our cosmos and gives it meaning and purpose, and did more to serve that Life Force, than any other man of our times.

And yet he is the most reviled and hated man of our times. Only a few tens of thousands of men and . . .

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The Evidence of the Prussian Blue

by Dr. William L. PierceFrom National Vanguard magazine issue No. 110, March-April 1989:

Fred Leuchter, of Boston, Massachusetts, is an engineer — a very special sort of engineer. His specialty is the technology of putting condemned prisoners to death. He knows everything there is to know about electric chairs, gallows, and gas chambers. His consulting firm, Fred A. Leuchter Associates, is the only one of its kind in the United States, and he is the man who is called on whenever a new prison with an execution facility is built or an old one is refurbished.

One of his recent jobs was the design of a new gas chamber for the Missouri State Penitentiary, in Jefferson City. Another was a . . .

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Dr. William Pierce interviewed by 60 Minutes

This feature aired in 1996 following the expanded distribution of The Turner Diaries through a deal with Lyle Stewart and Barricade Books in 1996.

Vanguard News Network – Dr. William Pierce interviewed on CBS 60 Minutes

Dealing with Individualists and Cowards

Commentary by Dr. Pierce:From National Alliance Members BULLETIN, April, 1998:

In the past I’ve written more than once about two obstacles to our recruiting: cowardice and selfishness. Correspondence received at the National Office this month has reminded me again how important these two obstacles are.

First we received an email letter from someone who had been reading my American Dissident Voices scripts on the Internet, and he had just read a script in which I urged people to join the Alliance and take part in our struggle for freedom and progress. He said he agreed with many of my comments about race, the Jews, and the media. He deplored the advance of the welfare state and the Marxist policies he . . .

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Purpose in Life

By Dr. William L. PierceFrom National Vanguard Issue No. 87, June 1982:

What the lack of any national purpose is doing to America as a nation is painfully evident to everyone willing to see. It may be less evident, however, what the lack of a meaningful purpose in life is doing to millions of the best men and women of our race as individuals. That is because most of these believe, mistakenly, that they do have purpose in their lives.What they really have is a plan or program for attaining certain personal goals they have convinced themselves are worthwhile. For example, a young man may have decided in his late teens that his goal in life is to have a . . .

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The Radicalizing of an American

By Dr. William L. PierceFrom National Vanguard Issue No. 61, 1978

National Vanguard’s editor describes his spiritual and intellectual evolution from a non-political university professor into a White radical.

Until I was 30 years old, I had hardly given a thought to politics, to race, or to social questions. I had no clearly thought-out ideology and, in fact, except for a brief commitment to Christianity between the ages of 14 and 18, had never concerned myself with ideological matters.

During World War II, I was far too young to understand or even pay attention to the issues involved in that most decisive political event of the century. Not even the incessant barrage of morale-boosting war movies and other jingoistic propaganda . . .

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Dr. Pierce’s Cosmotheist View of Environmentalism

From “Letters to Editor,” National Vanguard No. 86, May 1986:


As usual, your January issue was very interesting and informative. In your front page story, however, there is a comment which seems to indicate that you regard the environmentalists as the saviors of the country, whereas I look upon them as under control of the communists and aiming to put this country out of business or even out of existence. I am in the mining business. If I have to put up a plant to mill and concentrate ore, I have to get 17 different government permits before I can do it. I know of one mining company which spent six years getting all of its . . .

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Prospectus for a National Front

August 31, 1970


America today — and, more specifically, the American people — face the most serious and deadly menace which has arisen in their entire history. This menace far overshadows that posed by any war we have fought, any economic catastrophe through which we have passed, or any previous domestic strife which has torn us. For today we are faced not just with a threat to our territorial integrity, or to our material possessions, or to our way of life, or even to our own lives, but to something far dearer. Today all that we ever have been and all that we ever might be — our race itself — is threatened with extinction.

Everyone to whom this . . .

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