Dr. Pierce Reviews Robert Ardrey’s Trilogy

Ardrey Books Pack Ideological Punch by Dr. William L. Pierce African Genesis, Robert Ardrey (pictured), 380 pages, softback.The Territorial Imperative, Robert Ardrey, 390 pages, softback.The Social Contract, Robert Ardrey, 405 pages, softback. ROBERT ARDREY’S TRILOGY can without exaggeration be described as the most important piece of popular writing of the last few decades. These books pose such a deadly threat to the reigning orthodoxy that it is almost incredible that they have not only gone through dozens of printings by major publishers during the past 13 years, but that for a while they were actually sold openly in paperback editions at newsstands all over the country. All three of Ardrey’s books deal with the same basic subject, although each . . .

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