Losers, Hobbyists, and the “Movement”Editorial by Dr. Pierce from National Alliance BULLETIN, March 2000An interesting psychological phenomenon on which I have commented on in several issues of the BULLETIN is that displayed by people who send hostile letters to the National Office saying, in effect: “You people claim to be Christians, but you ignore the teachings of the Bible, which says that all races are the same. Don’t you even know that Jesus was a Jew?” They have had the idea planted in their heads that the Alliance is some sort of Christian organization, presumably by Jewish propaganda linking us to Christian Identity and Catholic traditionalist groups, which also are on the Jews’ hit list. Reading our material or listening . . .
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Dr. Pierce’s motivational strategy for attracting quality over quantity
Commentary by Dr. Pierce from the National Alliance BULLETIN (12/1991-1/1992):
Accepting Responsibility The year 1991 was the best the Alliance has ever had. The accumulating consequences of Jewish rule made themselves felt more than ever before: the quality of life in multicultural America reached a new low, and many people who had managed to ignore our message before could ignore it no longer. The coming year promises to be even more Jewish, and many more people will find it impossible to continue pretending that things are all right. I don’t know what goes on in the heads of all the people now experiencing the benefits of democracy and equality in places like Los Angeles, . . .
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