Suppression of freedom of speech is a long-term goal of the Jewish supremacists, and one that has been achieved in many nations already.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
SOMETIME SOON Americans will lose their freedom of speech. When it happens, most of them won’t even notice.
After an intense and carefully orchestrated lobbying effort by prominent Jewish and Christian leaders, punctuated with veiled threats of violence from spokesmen for major Black and Hispanic organizations if their demands for legislation are not met, a bipartisan group of congressmen will sponsor a bill prohibiting “group libel.” Leaders of both the conservative and the liberal factions in the Congress will speak eloquently in favor of the bill, and debate will be minimal. . . .
Continue reading The “Holocaust” as Gag . . .
What would the Jew do without his Holocaust®?
From Brief Commentary, National Vanguard Magazine Issue No. 88, July 1982:MURDEROUS Menachem [Begin] is in the fourth day of his newest invasion of Lebanon as this issue goes to press. Those troublesome Palestinians, who just will not let his fellow Israelis enjoy their stolen country in peace, must be taught a lesson. So his brave, Jewish stormtroopers are giving the Palestinian women and children in the Lebanese refugee camps another good taste of napalm and shrapnel.
Poor Ronnie [Reagan], who gave Menacham the napalm and the fragmentation bombs and told him for the fourteenth time that he was not to use them for aggressive purposes, like he has used all the weapons given to him earlier, is embarrassed by Menachem’s . . .
Continue reading What would the Jew do without his Holocaust®? . . .