Nietzsche: Neither Amoral nor Immoralby Andrew MacdonaldFrom Instauration magazine, page 6, August 1991:
Regarding the article in the May issue by A.F. Svenson, “Ethics and White Liberation,” I agree wholeheartedly with Svenson’s principal conclusion: namely, that we need a firm moral basis for our liberation struggle. I would like to point out, however, that one of his theses is faulty. Svenson asserts, in essence, that Nietzsche was amoral, that the philosopher of the Superman was nothing more than a survivalist and that he provided only a “cavalier treatment of moral values.” This leaves the reader with the impression that Nietzsche was nothing more than a watered-down Germanic copy of Ayn Rand. Nietzsche’s writings are voluminous, with commentaries . . .
Continue reading Nietzsche: Neither Amoral nor Immoral, says Dr. Pierce . . .
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