Churches Bent on Suicide
Issue No. 46 of ATTACK! tabloid, 1979:
There is no more striking symptom of the terrible illness of Western civilization than the self-destructive behavior of the Christian churches in recent years. and that behavior is displayed nowhere more starkly than in the attitude and actions of the churches relative to the Black-White conflict in Africa.
It was six years ago that the World Council of Churches, representing 267 different Protestant and Orthodox denominations from many countries, established its Fund to Combat Racism. Each year since then money from the Fund has been awarded to various non-White groups, engaged in “liberation” struggles against “White racists.”
In 1974, for example, at the annual convention of the WCC in Geneva, $450,000 was handed out, the bulk of it, $322,000, to Black “liberation” groups in southern Africa. Of this sum, $197,000 was given to various guerrilla factions then waging war against the Portuguese presence in Africa, including $60,000 to the Marxist “Frelimo” group in Mozambique. Another $30,000 went to two Black terrorist groups in Rhodesia.
Black gratitude for this support has been less than overwhelming. Now that the Frilimo terrorists have driven the Portuguese from Mozambique and their leader, Black Marxist Samora Machel, has become dictator, Christian missionaries in Mozambique are being rounded up and put into forced-labor camps. Diplomatic sources in Maputo (formerly Lourenco Marques, the capitol of Mozambique) say that as many as 150 missionaries and church workers are also being held without formal charges in the central prison there and in a jail in the port city of Beira.
Mission schools and churches have been nationalized by the communist government of Mozambique and converted to stables and warehouses. There are many reports of imprisoned priests being tortured and executed.
Nor is the situation in Mozambique an exception to the rule. Similar treatment has been dealt out to the Christian Churches and their representatives in Uganda, the Congo, and other African countries which have recently gained their independence with church help. The churches can expect the same fate shortly in newly “liberated” Angola.
And yet the churches’ frenzy for self-destruction continues. Their commitment to, and support for, anti-White terrorists in Africa and elsewhere is stronger than ever.
Our principle concern must be to see that [Christianity]
does not succeed in pulling the race down with it.
Nor is this activity limited to the World Council of Churches. The Roman Catholic Church, anxious not to seem less anti-racist than its Protestant competitors, has also taken an activist role. Roman Catholic Bishop Donal Lamont, of Umtali, Rhodesia, has spent more time in recent years acting as a mouthpiece for Black terrorist groups than he has preaching the gospels to his White parishioners. One of Bishop Lamont’s pet projects is the repeal of the Byrd Amendment, which allows Rhodesian chromium ore to be imported into the United States.
As might have been expected, there has been a certain amount of protest from individual White Christians, who have objected to the money they drop in the collection plate each Sunday being used to buy weapons to kill White Rhodesian and Portuguese farmers. In the case of the World Council of Churches the lame excuse has been offered that their grants are intended for “humanitarian” purposes only: medical supplies and social services, but not weapons.
In other statements, however, WCC leaders have left little doubt that they have no real objections to terrorist activities — as long as the terrorists are Black and their victims are White. After its meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, in 1968, the WCC’s official report of the proceedings contained the statement: “Some of us hold that Christians may well participate in the violent struggle for liberation, if there appears to be no other way left. Others of us would argue that as Christians we are committed to non-violence under all circumstances. Despite the difference of opinion, we are agreed that as Christians we cannot condemn liberation movements which take recourse to violence as last resort against oppressive systems.”

Apartheid: during healthier times in southern Africa
there were separate facilities for Whites and Blacks
The commitment of the member churches of the WCC and of their Catholic counterparts goes far beyond their financing Black guerrillas in Africa and their terrorism against Whites. For example, the Christian churches have been in the forefront of efforts in the republic of South Africa to undermine racial separation there.
White priests, ministers, bishops, and deacons have defied the laws against racially mixed public assemblies by holding integrated worship services. They have filed lawsuits against the government and issued inflammatory statements to the press. And, most important, they have tirelessly agitated directly among the Blacks, urging them to rebel.
It almost seems the Christian churches in general, both inside and outside the WCC, are now giving expression to a deeply ingrained death-wish. They are, as a whole, betraying the race which has nurtured them and are baring their throats to alien races who have neither understanding nor sympathy to Christian doctrines.
There has been, of course, a great deal of subversion of the Christian religious community in the last century. Jewish influence has spread through both the Catholic and Protestant churches, resulting in radical changes in church doctrines. Seminarians are exposed to this influence and later transmit it to their congregations when they become priests.
But deliberate subversion appears to account for only part of the problem. There is also a large element of natural decadence present. This decadence is showing up not only in the Christian churches in America and Europe and in the “progressive” Catholic and Protestant denominations of southern Africa, with their largely English-speaking members and their substantial Marrano contingents, but also in the much more conservative and fundamentalist Protestant churches in southern Africa.

Daniel Francois Milan, Sr.: like father, not like son
The Dutch Reformed churches, composed of three Calvinist sects which represent most of southern Africa’s Afrikaans-speaking Whites and which were formerly considered bastions of resistance to the forces of racial suicide, are showing definite symptoms of the same disease afflicting other Christian churches. One prominent Dutch Reformed minister, the Reverend D. F. Milan, has recently joined the priestly chorus in South Africa calling for Black “equality.” He is the son of the former Nationalist Party leader, Daniel F. Milan, whose name is most closely associated with the apartheid system.
At the rate the churches are headed downhill now, it will be surprising if Christianity survives its second millennium as a significant force in the life of the West. Our principle concern must be to see that it does not succeed in pulling the race down with it.
It seems that Christianity has been an extremely cruel hoax on the white race, created by the Jews, to keep us pacified for hundreds of years waiting on a savoir who will never come. This kind of news is heart breaking, but needs to be known.
Christianity was not always a mess. What changed?