The Organizational Nexus

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)

PROBABLY THE GREATEST piece of foolishness current in America, after the notion that all the country’s citizens are inherently “equal,” is the belief that they are collectively capable of governing themselves wisely.

Wisdom and will are individual, not collective attributes, yet so steeped have we all become in democratic mythology that we personify the crowd, imagining that it possesses both. We seem to believe, along with the late Chairman Mao, that the ultimate repository of civic virtue is “the masses.”

The populist daydream, indulged in by rightists and leftists alike, is of a long-suffering, commonsensical American citizenry which, if left alone by the gangsters in Washington, could manage to keep the country’s wheels turning, . . .

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Natural Foods and Health

by Dr. William Pierce

IN ANY COMMUNITY, a stranger who wants an introduction to local right-wing circles needs only walk into the nearest “health food” store. There, among the shelves of sunflower seeds, dried seaweed, and wheat germ he is sure to rub elbows with any number of LOLITS (Little Old Ladies In Tennis Shoes), Minute Men, Birchites, and others of a generally rightist hue — and perhaps a few SDS’ers too, for many members of the New Left have also shown a growing interest in so-called health foods in the last couple of years.

Certified Crackpots

Unfortunately, he will also meet his fill of diet faddists, religious weirdoes, certified crackpots, and even a few paranoiacs who . . .

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Two Minutes Hate

From Attack! No. 39, 1975:

Two Minutes Hate  by Dr. William Pierce

WASHINGTON POST story tells of Nathan Cohen decision compelling Federal workers to submit to sensitivity-training sessions. Applying many of the same techniques which were used to brainwash American POW’s in communist prison camps in Korea and Vietnam, Federal psychologists are able to control attitudes and opinions with a high degree of success. These techniques are also being used in high schools now to “adjust” White students to a multiracial environment.

In 1984, the well-known political horror-fantasy by George Orwell, it was called the Two Minutes Hate. At eleven o’clock each morning the workers in all government offices assembled in front of television screens for a sensitivity-training session . . .

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Zionism I: Theory

From Attack! tabloid, No. 42, 1976

Zionism I: TheoryExclusiveness, Belief in Superiority, Hostilityby Dr. William L. Pierce

The Resolution by the General Assembly of the United Nations on November 10, equating Zionism and racism, has provoked a torrent of response in the news media. Much of this response has been deliberately deceptive, and there consequently exists a state of confusion in the average citizen’s mind as to just what Zionism is and what its relationship is, if any, with racism.

Israeli Ambassador to the UN, Chaim Herzog, sneers at “goyim” in the UN General Assembly as he contemptuously tears up their resolution condemning Zionism. It is arrogant behavior like this which has earned the Jews the well-deserved hatred . . .

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The Nature of the Beast

From Attack! tabloid, Issue No. 2, 1970: The Nature of the Beast By Dr. William Pierce

What is the Establishment? Why, that’s easy, you say: the Establishment is those persons, taken collectively, who run the System. But who are “those persons”? What are their names? What, if anything, do they have in common? How did they get into the Establishment in the first place? Is one born into it? Is it something like a fraternity or a secret society? Is great wealth a prerequisite for admission? Or is membership in the Establishment a prerequisite for owning great wealth in America?

There is a great deal of confusion on these questions because of the sloppy but prevalent tendency to . . .

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Liberals, the Jews, and Israel

by Dr. William L. Pierce THE CURRENT JEWISH power play in the Middle East poses the gravest imaginable dangers to America. Yet, in the midst of these dangers is a development which offers the promise of great good to the American people. That good is the disruption of the American liberal establishment and the extensive undermining of the traditional alliance between Jews and Gentile liberals. Neo-Liberal Stalwarts The Palestine crisis has caused a major falling out among the architects of American decline and degeneration. We are presented with the interesting spectacle of such neo-liberal stalwarts as Reverend Daniel Berrigan, Senator J.W. Fulbright, and syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, among others, turning against both their fellow liberals and their . . .

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Blacks, Jews, and Reverse Discrimination

Blacks, Jews, and Reverse Discrimination by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured, oil portrait by Will Williams) WHITE AMERICANS — MEMBERS of that great, dispossessed majority — are increasingly suffering from the effects of a widespread program of “reverse discrimination,” in which they are refused employment or promotion or housing or small-business loans because they are not members of some officially sanctioned racial minority. The White reaction to this anti-White favoritism has been weak and disorganized, at least in part because of a failure to understand the source of the problem. The White tendency is to regard the Black community as organized and monolithic and to place the blame for reverse discrimination entirely on Black-bloc political pressure. Toms and Nationalists In . . .

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Dr. Pierce Discusses Fight Against “Racism”

From Attack! tabloid, No. 27, 1974

Revolt of the Submen by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) A FEW YEARS AGO “fascism” was the number-one devil of the radical Left. Today it is “racism.” This change is significant, and a close look at the reasons behind it reveals to us, in starkly simple terms, the fundamental nature of communism and the true motives of its promoters. The switch in emphasis from anti-fascism to anti-racism is not the only major change in the communist image which has taken place in recent years, of course. Long gone are the soapbox haranguers with the Yiddish accents who in pre-World War II days exhorted the workers to cast . . .

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Dr. Pierce Blames Churches for Downfall of Southern Africa

Churches Bent on Suicide

Issue No. 46 of ATTACK! tabloid, 1979: There is no more striking symptom of the terrible illness of Western civilization than the self-destructive behavior of the Christian churches in recent years. and that behavior is displayed nowhere more starkly than in the attitude and actions of the churches relative to the Black-White conflict in Africa. It was six years ago that the World Council of Churches, representing 267 different Protestant and Orthodox denominations from many countries, established its Fund to Combat Racism. Each year since then money from the Fund has been awarded to various non-White groups, engaged in “liberation” struggles against “White racists.” In 1974, for example, at the annual convention of the WCC . . .

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Dr. Pierce: Our Alliance Must Have a Spiritual Basis

The following is a Cosmothest lecture that Dr. Pierce gave on March 27, 1977. It is reprinted from the National Alliance BULLETIN: A Program for a New America By Dr. William L. Pierce

The topic I announced for tonight is a little misleading. I said I intended to talk about “A Program for a New America,” but a more accurate title would be “Why We Haven’t Yet Announced a Program for a New America.” That is apparently a subject which is on the minds of a great many people. When I talk to a new person who has recently read an ATTACK!  for the first time, the questions he asks tend to be of the sort: “What do you . . .

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