From ATTACK! tabloid, Issue No. 21, 1973:
The Alienated Society
One thing which the Watergate affair clearly demonstrates is that the same alienation which has swept millions of dropped-out young Americans into the drug-ridden “counter-culture” pervades our entire society, even to the Oval Office in Washington and the boardrooms of Wall Street. In fact, it is even more pervasive in the highest political and economic strata of our ruling gerentocracy than it is in our high schools and colleges. It began at the top and worked its way down.
Leaders Have Sold Out
Alienation among America’s so-called “leaders” during the last half-century or so — alienation which has taken the form of an inner attitude of It’s-every-man-for-himself-
There are many who will disagree with the foregoing, many who believe that the rich and powerful men who hold public office in this country are more firmly attached to the “principles of Americanism,” or some such, than the rest of us. These many fail to understand that alienation is a matter of inner attitude and not external life-style. They also cannot distinguish illusion from reality or falsehood from truth.
Half-a-pint for a Vote
Now and then, however, the veil of lies with which the high and mighty shield themselves from the common gaze is lifted slightly from the breezes of chance, and we can catch a fleeting glimpse of reality. The Watergate affair has given rise to such a breeze.
We are shocked by the revelations of Nixonian political sabotage and eavesdropping and burglary, all for the sake of a few more votes, just as we have been shocked in the past by the revelations of the Democratic political machine in Chicago counting names on tombstones or a Kennedy gang buying votes in West Virginia for a half-a-pint of whiskey each. We are appalled when the cynicism, greed and lack of scruple of those we have chosen to be our leaders are momentarily revealed to us.
If Busing, Why Not Burgling?
But, really, we should not be surprised. For had not Mr. Nixon already betrayed a hundred times over the trust placed in him, even before Watergate?
How can a man who has unleashed on America a program for school busing for racial balance, or supported the Zionist program of conquest in the Middle East with American taxes, or made futile the sacrifice of 50,000 American lives in Indochina have any further surprises for us? Or do we consider a little burglary for the sake of a few votes a worse crime than selling the interests of a whole nation in return for the political support — or toleration — of the alien power clique which controls America’s mass media.
Is Bribery Worse than Treason?
Is an illegal wiretap more a sign of cynicism than the callous subjection of America’s school children to the terror and degradation which have accompanied the massive school integration of recent years?
Is the failure to report a campaign contribution more a sign of moral corruption than the failure to punish the traitors who have brazenly given aid and comfort to our enemies during the Vietnam war?
Is the payment of a little hush money or an attempt to cover up involvement in a political scandal more reprehensible than stabbing an ally in the back, thereby dishonoring the whole American people in the eyes of the world?
Alienation in the Air
One would think so, judging by the uproar the media have generated over the Watergate affair. But America’s youth, even though they are also under the media’s spell, were told by their instincts long ago that they had been betrayed. They knew it in their bones when those in whose hands the destiny of the nation had been placed ceased to care about anything but their own comfort and their own wealth and their own power.
The alienation at the top was in the air even before FDR, with his sly grin and his long cigarette holder, smoothly lied America into the Western world’s most catastrophic war.
Young people smelled the corruption in America’s soul while Harry Truman was sacrificing American principle to Zionist expediency.
They unconsciously knew that Ike and JFK and LBJ were selling the country down the river in order to further their own careers.
Sense of Abandonment
When America’s leaders had lost all sense of responsibility to race and nation; when duty and honor had become empty catchwords; when the heritage of our people had become mere booty to be plundered by all who could claw their way to the public feed trough — then not even the most skillfully woven curtain of lies and pretense could keep a deep sense of abandonment from welling up in the hearts of America’s youth
Confidence faded. The sense of community was lost, and with it any feeling of belonging and responsibility. Alienation had worked its way all the way down.
No Conspiracy
It would be wrong to attribute the decay of American social and cultural institutions which has progressed hand-in-hand with the alienation of the American people to any single, malevolent plan. A certain degree of alienation was the unplanned but inevitable consequence of the industrialization and urbanization of America. The radical social changes accompanying this transformation of American lifestyles affected all classes of the population.
With the growing sense of anonymity and isolation among dwellers ever-more-densely populated urban centers went a decline in civic virtues at all levels. The gradual erosion of the individual’s sense of racial and cultural identity manifested itself in the gradual decline of a sense of civic responsibility, both on the part of the average citizen and those he chose to manage his public affairs.
Irresponsibility Breeds Irresponsibility
Once started, the process of alienation accelerated. A more and more irresponsible citizenry could only lead to more and more irresponsible leadership and, in turn, to laws reflecting that irresponsibility.
One might have expected that exceptional leaders would have been immune to this process and would have exerted a healing effect on the body politic. This has not been the case, at least, not in recent decades; instead, alienation became total among American leaders while it still had a long way to go among the electorate.
Media Masters
The principle cause of this was the capture of America’s opinion-forming media by a single, tightly organized, alien minority. From that point, a prerequisite for holding high public office in the United States was the seal of approval of the media masters.
No man of Western blood with a sense of commitment to his own people could possibly attain that approval. only the completely alienated, the totally cynical, the utterly hypocritical, the thoroughly corrupt, the unreservedly selfish would do — men who could be counted on to go along in order to get along.
No Room for True Believers
The average U.S.Senator who signs his name to Zionist petitions and votes for more American support of Israeli territorial expansion has no particular love for Jews. He would not be unhappy if the Arabs drowned them in the sea and reclaimed their stolen land.
Likewise, the average Federal judge who orders White children bused into Black-dominated schools where they will be terrorized and brutalized is not motivated by any cockeyed equalitarian theory. He could hardly care less what the racial balance is in America’s schools (except the school his children attend, of course.)
They work for the ruin of America simply because they are in thrall to the media masters, who form their public images, wield power over their careers, and determine what the history books will say about them — and because they themselves have no inner commitment to their nation or to their race, but only to themselves.
Stumbling along
With America governed by such men, it is not surprising that America is despoiled, the natural resources plundered, the air and water polluted, the cities decayed and unlivable, the national defense undermined, the national heritage in hock, the culture defiled — and the people faced with a racial problem which becomes more overwhelming and more threatening each year.
It is not surprising that there is no plan, no order, no sense of direction in national life, and that the country merely stumbles along from one year to the next.
And it is not surprising that tens of millions of young Americans are growing up with no sense of racial or national community, mere human ions in a formless, cosmopolitan chaos.
Organic Relationship Lacking
We are faced with a general lack of feeling of belonging to, and responsibility for, the Western racial-social-cultural community.
The natural, organic relationship between the individual and the community has been broken. It cannot be restored as long as the present System endures.
That relationship, absolutely essential to a healthy society, is a fragile thing which requires constant and careful nurture for its maintenance. It requires a training in youth which has as its principal goal the development and strengthening of that relationship, an educational process which prepares boys and girls to become the cultural and spiritual — as well as material — heirs of Western civilization and the Western imperium.
Sense of Racial Identity is Essential
The first task of an American educational system should be to burn the racial sense and the racial feeling into the instinct and the intellect, the heart and the brain of the youth entrusted to it. No boy and no girl should leave school without having been lead to an ultimate realization of the necessity and essence of blood purity.
Nice job Will!
A friend from a long time ago!