Lies and Consequences

from the American Dissident Voices broadcast of July 3, 1999

by Dr. William L. Pierce

YOU KNOW, there’s one thing you can say for the Jews: they do have a sense of humor. They had a real comedian dream up the name “peacekeeping mission” for the murderous forays they send United Nations and NATO troops on. Their gangs of mercenary killers are called “peacekeepers,” but wherever they go to enforce the will of the New World Order they cause bloodshed and suffering, and nowhere is that more true than in Serbia. (ILLUSTRATION: NATO bombing in Serbia)

The Jews undoubtedly are greatly amused by the ease with which they are able to deceive the Gentiles in such matters. . . .

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Aesop’s Fables

by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST WEEK I gave an interview to a news reporter from a television station in Charlotte, North Carolina. That’s station WSOC, channel nine, Michael Eisner’s ABC affiliate in Charlotte. The reporter and his cameraman drove up to my broadcast studio in West Virginia. My organization, the National Alliance, has been doing some recruiting in Charlotte, and someone had given a copy of one of our recruiting leaflets to the reporter at a Charlotte gun show. The reporter apparently had checked with his superiors at his television station and been told that the National Alliance is a “hate group,” so he had come up to check us out and interview me. The reporter was an . . .

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