Why don’t more respectable, successful, influential White community leaders help our noble cause, Dr. Pierce?

From ‘Questions People ask’ in ATTACK! tabloid, Issue No. 51, 1977:

Q. The truth of what you say in ATTACK! seems self-evident. I understand that the brainwashed public needs to be exposed to your persuasion as an antidote to the lies pumped into them by the media. But I don’t understand why there are not a great many leaders of this country helping you in your efforts — corporation presidents, statesmen, generals and admirals, celebrities, university presidents. Surely they are not all in the pay of the Enemy or taken in by his lies, are they?

A. In a sense, nearly all of them are, surprising as that may seem at first. They are in the pay of the Enemy . . .

Continue reading Why don’t more respectable, successful, influential White community leaders help our noble cause, Dr. Pierce? . . .