Dr. Pierce Discusses Fight Against “Racism”

From Attack! tabloid, No. 27, 1974

Revolt of the Submen by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) A FEW YEARS AGO “fascism” was the number-one devil of the radical Left. Today it is “racism.” This change is significant, and a close look at the reasons behind it reveals to us, in starkly simple terms, the fundamental nature of communism and the true motives of its promoters. The switch in emphasis from anti-fascism to anti-racism is not the only major change in the communist image which has taken place in recent years, of course. Long gone are the soapbox haranguers with the Yiddish accents who in pre-World War II days exhorted the workers to cast . . .

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Dr. Pierce: Our Alliance Must Have a Spiritual Basis

The following is a Cosmothest lecture that Dr. Pierce gave on March 27, 1977. It is reprinted from the National Alliance BULLETIN: A Program for a New America By Dr. William L. Pierce

The topic I announced for tonight is a little misleading. I said I intended to talk about “A Program for a New America,” but a more accurate title would be “Why We Haven’t Yet Announced a Program for a New America.” That is apparently a subject which is on the minds of a great many people. When I talk to a new person who has recently read an ATTACK!  for the first time, the questions he asks tend to be of the sort: “What do you . . .

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Dr. William Pierce on the Difference between National Socialism and Fascism

03-17-2013 by James Harting 

The notion that the National-Socialism of Adolf Hitler is a type or variant of a more generally defined “fascism” is a staple of Marxist propaganda and analysis. Indeed, the Marxists have been so persistent and strident in making this false claim that it has infected the thinking even of some of those who claim to be NS themselves.

Back in 1970, Dr. William L. Pierce addressed this issue in his column “Questions & Answers for National Socialists,” that appeared in WHITE POWER: The Newspaper of White Revolution, which was mass distribution tabloid of the National Socialist White People’s Party. (Dr. Pierce is listed as the “Associate Editor” for the issue in which this particular column was . . .

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Dr. Pierce tells of changing strategy for the National Alliance

Transcript of a talk by Dr. Pierce to his followers back in the mid-1970s:Changes AheadIn the year which lies ahead of us, we must accomplish some things which we started to do this year but have not yet done. In order to accomplish those things we must make some substantial changes in the way we have been going about it. I want to talk to you tonight about those changes, but first I want to review the situation in which we find ourselves and the way we have responded to that saturation so far.

Perhaps the easiest way to begin is to refer to the film . . .

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Dr. Pierce Discusses Shabbos Goy Chris Christie

[Chris Christie is] “a fellow who will always go along in order to get along.”

– Dr. William L. Pierce (1983)

Commentary from the October 1983 issue of National Alliance Bulletin: Chris Christie angered over National Alliance presence on campus  The reaction of University of Delaware officials and the “in crowd” on the student newspaper staff and in the student government, as indicated in the student newspaper, to an Alliance leaflet distribution was disappointing but not surprising. The student government president, Chris Christie, quoted in the student newspaper article reproduced here, is pictured elsewhere in the newspaper flashing a toothy TV smile suitable for a political candidate. He has the distinct appearance of a young man cut out to . . .

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Dr. Pierce analyses usefulness of Internet to National Alliance

Commentary by Dr. Pierce to his members in August 1998 internal National Alliance BULLETIN:Staying In TouchIn the past four years the Internet has grown from practically nothing to our single most powerful medium for reaching the public with our message.At our two sites — http://www.natvan.com and http://www.natall.com — we offer a very large quantity and variety of materials in text, audio, and image files: nearly 100 megabytes of information capable of providing literally hundreds of hours of reading and listening to interested members of the public, free of charge. We are adding to this material almost on a daily basis.Parts of our material are available in German, French, and Swedish as well as English. On an average day about 6,000 visitors avail themselves of . . .

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The Roots of Black Slavery

by Dr. William L. Pierce Slavery and cannibalism are traditional in Black Africa. ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS in the mythology of racial equality being propagated by the mass media, the schools, the churches, and numerous governmental agencies in America today is that of White responsibility for the Negro’s servile status in the past. According to the mythmakers it was the White man’s greed for the Black man’s labor which brought about the institution of Black slavery. Prior to White encroachments into Africa south of the Sahara, beginning around the start of the 16th century, so the myth goes, Black Africans lived in a state of rustic innocence in their thatched huts, happily busying themselves with farming, handicrafts, colorful festivities, charming . . .

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Dr. Pierce on Feminism: The Great Destroyer

Feminism: The Great DestroyerAn Interview with Dr. William Luther PierceBy Kevin Alfred Strom

K.A.S.: There is a continuing public debate about the role of women in our society and the related subjects of sexism and feminism. One example was the hullabaloo that occurred during the confirmation of Clarence Thomas’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Feminists and their claque in the media charged that this confirmation was an affirmation of the “sexism” rampant in the U.S. political establishment. The cure for this alleged problem is to get more women into positions of political power, according to many people in the media.

Another example was the uproar about a drunken party several years ago in Las Vegas for Navy fliers at which . . .

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Dr. Pierce reads Kipling

The Stranger, recited by Dr. William L. Pierce

The Stranger

by Rudyard Kipling The Stranger within my gate, He may be true or kind,But he does not talk my talk– I cannot feel his mind.I see the face and the eyes and the mouth, But not the soul behind.The men of my own stock, They may do ill or well,But they tell the lies I am wanted to, They are used to the lies I tell;And we do not need interpreters When we go to buy or sell. The Stranger within my gates, He may be evil or good,But I cannot tell what powers control– What reasons sway his mood;Nor when the Gods of his far-off land Shall repossess his . . .

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A reasonably objective biography of Dr. Pierce

William Luther Pierce From Metapedia: http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/William_Luther_Pierce Jump to: navigation, search

William Luther Pierce William L Pierce circa 1985. Born 11 September 1933Atlanta, Georgia, United States Died 23 July 2002West Virginia, United States, 69 years old Nationality American Known for European American interests activist, opponent of Jewish supremacism Occupation academic, activist, physicist Organization National Alliance

Dr William Luther Pierce III (September 11, 1933 – July 23, 2002) was the leader of the White survival organization the National Alliance and a principal ideologue of the white nationalist movement. First educated as a physicist, he later worked with George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. Pierce became well known as the author of a novel, The Turner . . .

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