Liberals, the Jews, and Israel

by Dr. William L. Pierce THE CURRENT JEWISH power play in the Middle East poses the gravest imaginable dangers to America. Yet, in the midst of these dangers is a development which offers the promise of great good to the American people. That good is the disruption of the American liberal establishment and the extensive undermining of the traditional alliance between Jews and Gentile liberals. Neo-Liberal Stalwarts The Palestine crisis has caused a major falling out among the architects of American decline and degeneration. We are presented with the interesting spectacle of such neo-liberal stalwarts as Reverend Daniel Berrigan, Senator J.W. Fulbright, and syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, among others, turning against both their fellow liberals and their . . .

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How Israel Gets a Free Lunch

From National Vanguard magazine, Issue No 104, March-April 1985:How Israel Gets a Free LunchThy gates shall be open continually…that men may bring unto thee the wealth of the Gentiles… –Isaiah 60:11

Jews are ingenious people, especially where money is concerned, and their financial ingenuity is nowhere more evident than in Israel. Consider: Whenever the Israeli government runs low on money (which is all the time), the minister of finance merely turns on the printing presses and prints as many more shekels as the government needs. No other government in the world is clever enough to finance itself in such an easy way.

Of course, there are a few little kinks in the Israeli method; for one thing, it causes an . . .

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