Book Proves Hitler Saved the West

Book ReviewFrom National Vanguard magazine, Issue No. 115, November-December, 1995: 


By Victor Suvorov (translated from the Russian by Thomas B. Beattie). Published by Hamish Hamilton (London, 1990). _______________________________________Western Europe, Fall 1941: The Red Army sweeps on from Germany and France toward Italy and Spain. Everywhere the NKVD imposes the bloody terror already suffered by the tortured nations of the East. Political opponents, former army officers, shopkeepers, landowners, small farmers, members of youth movements and cultural associations — millions are rounded up. The fortunate ones are shot, many more die horribly in the blood-splattered basements of Communist interrogation centers. The rest join the endless columns shuffling to the Siberian Gulag. Only the prettiest girls are kept behind for now.

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The Jew Wants It Both Ways

From “Times & Manners” in National Vanguard magazine Issue No. 104, March-April 1985:

The enormous media flap over President Reagan’s plan to lay a wreath in Germany’s Bitburg military cemetery was entirely a Jewish creation. Jews raised the issue in the first place, and then they refused to let go of it. They wept, they made speeches, they demonstrated, they monopolized the media with the issue for weeks. They used it to bludgeon the Reagaan administration into going along with a huge new givaway of American tax dollars to Israel.

They tried to use it at the same time to milk a little more sympathy from the American public for the poor, persecuted Jews. And they were indignant when at . . .

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