“White Man’s Burden” to feed the non-White world?

From Attack! tabloid, No. 31, 1974 America and the World Food Crisis by Dr. William L. Pierce  Left-wing cartoonists have been aiding in the media propaganda campaign to convince Americans that they must eat less so that American food can be used to feed rapidly multiplying Africans and Asians. This Conrad cartoon was drawn for the Los Angeles Times. “As the world food crisis develops, Americans must shoulder their responsibility, willingly or not, to share their abundance with less fortunate people.” “We must convince Americans to eat less meat so that more grain can be sent to starving peoples around the world.” “It is manifestly unfair that Americans, who comprise only five per cent of the world’s population, should . . .

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Dr. Pierce Tells Us What’s Important

From Attack! tabloid, No. 29, 1974:

The Important Things by Dr. William L. Pierce CHINA HAS THE largest population, the United States has the highest standard of living, the Soviet Union has the biggest navy, Sweden has the most beautiful women, Iceland has the highest level of literacy, and Germany has an industry with the best reputation for efficiency and craftsmanship. Which of these things are really important? Which make worthy national goals? Toward which ends should a people most intently direct its energies and aspirations? As America’s bicentennial draws near, one hears a great deal about such questions. All the mass media are putting forth their speculations on the question of what America’s “national purpose” should be, but satisfactory answers are much . . .

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Dr. Pierce Answers FAQs about Cosmotheism and the CCC

Questions & Answers about Cosmotheism and the Cosmotheist Community Church

  With what single aim should men who are members of the Cosmotheist Community shape their institutions and shape their society? A    Their single aim should be service of the Creator’s Purpose. Every other thing which men may consider desirable in their society  — justice, tranquility, security, happiness, wealth, liberty — must be subordinated to this aim.  Q    What are the four social concerns of men which are in accord with this aim?    They are survival, right striving, order, and progress. Q    What four functions of the Community follow from these concerns? A    The Community defends the lives and the . . .

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Cosmotheist Affirmations

Cosmotheist Affirmations These are to be studied, memorized and recited daily by Cosmotheist believers. These Affirmations are also to be recited aloud, in unison by Cosmotheists at the beginning of each gathering to reinforce our Purpose, which is the Creator’s Purpose:  A:1 There is but One Reality.   A:2 That is, Reality is the Whole.   A:3 It is the Creator, the Self-Created.   A:4 I am of the Whole.   A:5 I am of the Creator, of the Self-Created.   A:6 My Purpose is the Creator’s Purpose.   A:7 My Path is the Path of the Creator’s Self-Realization.   A:8 My Path is the Path Divine Consciousness.   A:9 My Destiny is Godhood.

. . .

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Dr. Pierce Reviews Robert Ardrey’s Trilogy

Ardrey Books Pack Ideological Punch by Dr. William L. Pierce African Genesis, Robert Ardrey (pictured), 380 pages, softback.The Territorial Imperative, Robert Ardrey, 390 pages, softback.The Social Contract, Robert Ardrey, 405 pages, softback. ROBERT ARDREY’S TRILOGY can without exaggeration be described as the most important piece of popular writing of the last few decades. These books pose such a deadly threat to the reigning orthodoxy that it is almost incredible that they have not only gone through dozens of printings by major publishers during the past 13 years, but that for a while they were actually sold openly in paperback editions at newsstands all over the country. All three of Ardrey’s books deal with the same basic subject, although each . . .

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Dr. Pierce on Necessity of Staying “Legal”

Editorial by Dr. William L. Pierce, National Socialist World journal, Winter 1968:

Revolution & Legality  “In a sense, this essay is a precursor of [Dr. Pierce’s] shift in approach from the National Socialists White Peoples Party to the National Youth Alliance.” -James Harting Two classes of concepts which are fundamentally different in nature, yet often confused, are those having to do with doctrine and those concerned with tactics. The former are independent of changing circumstances and conditions; the latter are strongly dependent on these things. We make an extremely grave error when we treat a doctrinal point as if it were a tactical matter, but we also make a serious error when we assign to some tactical consideration the attributes of a point of doctrine. . . .

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Dr. Pierce Discusses Fight Against “Racism”

From Attack! tabloid, No. 27, 1974

Revolt of the Submen by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) A FEW YEARS AGO “fascism” was the number-one devil of the radical Left. Today it is “racism.” This change is significant, and a close look at the reasons behind it reveals to us, in starkly simple terms, the fundamental nature of communism and the true motives of its promoters. The switch in emphasis from anti-fascism to anti-racism is not the only major change in the communist image which has taken place in recent years, of course. Long gone are the soapbox haranguers with the Yiddish accents who in pre-World War II days exhorted the workers to cast . . .

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Dr. Pierce Blames Churches for Downfall of Southern Africa

Churches Bent on Suicide

Issue No. 46 of ATTACK! tabloid, 1979: There is no more striking symptom of the terrible illness of Western civilization than the self-destructive behavior of the Christian churches in recent years. and that behavior is displayed nowhere more starkly than in the attitude and actions of the churches relative to the Black-White conflict in Africa. It was six years ago that the World Council of Churches, representing 267 different Protestant and Orthodox denominations from many countries, established its Fund to Combat Racism. Each year since then money from the Fund has been awarded to various non-White groups, engaged in “liberation” struggles against “White racists.” In 1974, for example, at the annual convention of the WCC . . .

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Dr. Pierce on the Meaning and Importance of Loyalty

Commentary by Dr. Pierce from National Alliance Bulletin, 1997: The Meaning of Loyalty An often made comment by students of human behavior is that soldiers in combat do not fight for their general or their country or their god or any other impersonal entity; they fight for each other, for those with whom they are in immediate, daily contact.  This comment certainly is correct for most, though not all, soldiers.  Their mental horizon, normally very limited, becomes even smaller in the face of death.  All abstract principles fall away, and only the most primative instincts remain.   When fear of imminent death looms large, all impersonal loyalties lose their meaning, and the individual is controlled only by his bond to his . . .

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Do right, and fear no one!

This piece was originally published in 1993 by Dr. Pierce to his Alliance members as chapter 7 in the National Alliance Membership Handbook: 

Moral Considerations

People join the National Alliance for various reasons, and people also have various reasons for not joining us. Some people react to various irritants: they’re angry at the government’s insistence that homosexuals be tolerated, or they are alarmed by the growing flood of non-White immigrants swamping America. Others join because the Alliance is a symbol of normalcy, sanity and security in a world gone mad: they feel isolated and afraid as their old, familiar world crumbles under the impact of the New World Order, and they reach out to us as to . . .

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