Dr. Pierce on Feminism: The Great Destroyer

Feminism: The Great DestroyerAn Interview with Dr. William Luther PierceBy Kevin Alfred Strom

K.A.S.: There is a continuing public debate about the role of women in our society and the related subjects of sexism and feminism. One example was the hullabaloo that occurred during the confirmation of Clarence Thomas’s appointment to the Supreme Court. Feminists and their claque in the media charged that this confirmation was an affirmation of the “sexism” rampant in the U.S. political establishment. The cure for this alleged problem is to get more women into positions of political power, according to many people in the media.

Another example was the uproar about a drunken party several years ago in Las Vegas for Navy fliers at which . . .

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Dr. Pierce reads Kipling

The Stranger, recited by Dr. William L. Pierce

The Stranger

by Rudyard Kipling The Stranger within my gate, He may be true or kind,But he does not talk my talk– I cannot feel his mind.I see the face and the eyes and the mouth, But not the soul behind.The men of my own stock, They may do ill or well,But they tell the lies I am wanted to, They are used to the lies I tell;And we do not need interpreters When we go to buy or sell. The Stranger within my gates, He may be evil or good,But I cannot tell what powers control– What reasons sway his mood;Nor when the Gods of his far-off land Shall repossess his . . .

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Book review: An American’s Dissident Voice

A book review by Andrew Hamilton, April, 2013

An American Dissident’s Voice

  William L. PierceAmerican Dissident Voices Ed. Shane Webster Melbourne, Australia: Politically Incorrect Press, 2011

This is a 1,666 page PDF file containing 290 transcribed American Dissident Voices (ADV) radio broadcasts—essentially spoken essays—by William L. Pierce (1933–2002), beginning with his seminal speech “Our Cause,” recorded in 1976, and ending with “Mossad and the Jewish Problem” (June 29, 2002). Its virtue is that it conveniently collects 290 essays into a single file. Previously, it was only possible to access these works piecemeal.

I downloaded the file a few days ago after finding it on a Christian Identity website. Unfortunately, the site is now offline. American Dissident Voices is also . . .

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A reasonably objective biography of Dr. Pierce

William Luther Pierce From Metapedia: http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/William_Luther_Pierce Jump to: navigation, search

William Luther Pierce William L Pierce circa 1985. Born 11 September 1933Atlanta, Georgia, United States Died 23 July 2002West Virginia, United States, 69 years old Nationality American Known for European American interests activist, opponent of Jewish supremacism Occupation academic, activist, physicist Organization National Alliance

Dr William Luther Pierce III (September 11, 1933 – July 23, 2002) was the leader of the White survival organization the National Alliance and a principal ideologue of the white nationalist movement. First educated as a physicist, he later worked with George Lincoln Rockwell, the founder of the American Nazi Party. Pierce became well known as the author of a novel, The Turner . . .

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Cosmotheism: Wave of the Future


    For the first time in written form, an important speech by William Luther Pierce (pictured), delivered at the National Alliance offices in Arlington, Virginia in 1977 

by Dr. William Piercetranscribed by Vanessa Neubauer

WE HAVE ready tonight the first of a series of pamphlets intended to serve not only as guides for us, but also to aid us in enlightening new people and bringing them into our community.

This particular pamphlet, The Path, is the first in the series because it’s the most fundamental. It states in very concise form, and also, I hope, in relatively easy to understand form, the essence of our truth, . . .

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I Remember Dr. Pierce

by Kevin Alfred Strom

His footpath to the heights is almost invisible now, overgrown with timothy grass and mountain laurel, tenanted by bees heavy with nectar and pollen instead of by a man heavy with the future.

Morning after morning, for almost two decades, William Luther Pierce would take this path and ascend to the highest point on what he simply called “The Land.” At the summit, he would look out, all the way to the horizon, upon a creamy, ever-shifting ocean of fog from which the higher mountain peaks, especially his, jutted upward abruptly like widely-separated cliff-islands in some Hyperborea of dreams. Clarity was possible here in the West Virginia mountains; so different from Washington, DC, whence he . . .

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Singer Killing: Inexcusable Atrocity

From National Vanguard tabloid, Issue No. 67, 1979:

Sometimes a single incident occurs which is so poignant and outrageous that it symbolizes the evil of the System we live under more vividly than any report about a major social or economic problem. Such was the killing of John Singer by police in January. John Singer was born in New York City 47 years ago. Soon afterward his parents took him to Germany. just as Hitler was coming to power. John joined the Hitler Youth and stayed in Germany until he was 17. When he came back to America Singer joined the U.S. Marines. Later he moved to a high mountain valley in northern Utah, in order to get “away from . . .

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Dr. Pierce’s “State of the Race” in the Watergate Era

From ATTACK! tabloid, Issue No. 21, 1973:The Alienated SocietyOne thing which the Watergate affair clearly demonstrates is that the same alienation which has swept millions of dropped-out young Americans into the drug-ridden “counter-culture” pervades our entire society, even to the Oval Office in Washington and the boardrooms of Wall Street. In fact, it is even more pervasive in the highest political and economic strata of our ruling gerentocracy  than it is in our high schools and colleges. It began at the top and worked its way down. 

Leaders Have Sold OutAlienation among America’s so-called “leaders” during the last half-century or so — alienation which has taken the form of an inner attitude of It’s-every-man-for-himself-and-I’m-looking-out-for-number-one — is, historically, the cause of . . .

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The Coming of the Jews to America

From Issue No. 77 of National Vanguard tabloid, 1980:

Race-conscious Dutch Governor of New Amsterdam Tried to Halt Infestation The Coming of the Jews to America The first 23 Jews to settle in what is now the United States landed as a group in 1654 at a small trading village at the tip of Manhattan Island. It is fitting that from the outset the destinies of American Jewry and of the little town that grew to be New York, America’s greatest city, should be linked, for it was through the portals of New York harbor that the great majority of the later Jewish immigrants to America would pass, and it was in New York that their children and grandchildren would . . .

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Sluyterman: Artist of Blood and Soil

“Who wants to live, so he must  fight, and who does not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle does not deserve to live.”  – Mein KampfFrom National Vanguard tabloid, Issue No. 63, 1978:Sluyterman: Artist of Blood and Soil

Georg Sluyterman van Langeweyde, a great graphic artist, painter and folksong composer, died last January at the age of 74 [born: 4/13/1903]. His body was laid . . .

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