Singer Killing: Inexcusable Atrocity

From National Vanguard tabloid, Issue No. 67, 1979:

Sometimes a single incident occurs which is so poignant and outrageous that it symbolizes the evil of the System we live under more vividly than any report about a major social or economic problem. Such was the killing of John Singer by police in January.
John Singer was born in New York City 47 years ago. Soon afterward his parents took him to Germany. just as Hitler was coming to power. John joined the Hitler Youth and stayed in Germany until he was 17.
When he came back to America Singer joined the U.S. Marines. Later he moved to a high mountain valley in northern Utah, in order to get “away from the evils and complexities of modern society,” as he explained it. He built a log farmhouse and outbuildings on a three-acre homestead and lived there for more than two decades, working mainly as a television repairman. Singer took a wife, Vicki, and they had seven children.
In 1973 he took his children out of the local public school, which tolerated drugs, defended homosexuality, and promoted racial mixing. He objected strongly to a textbook used by the school which featured pictures comparing George Washington and Negro “civil rights” leader Martin Luther King. Singer condemned racial mixing as evil.
The main issue,” Singer said last year, “is that I want to keep my children morally clean.”
He built a small, red schoolhouse on the homestead, where Vicki taught the children.
State officials demanded that the children be given tests, which found them “behind” academically. But the officials also reported a “family with the father asa strong, vigorous patriarch who has the full support of his wife and the genuine support, love, and respect of his children.”
The Singers were proud of their self-sufficiency and craftsmanship. Their farm has its own, independent water system, and heat comes from wood and coal-burning stoves. Their orchards and gardens provide an abundance of fruits, vegetables, and livestock. “We have a root cellar, a store of wheat, a small flour mill, and a beautiful organic vegetable garden,” Singer said.
The children were talented, beautiful, and creative. Fourteen-year-old Heidi, the oldest, was adept at jewelry and leatherwork. Suzanne, 11, was an accomplished painter. Timothy, 12, had built a sturdy wood cabin in the back yard by himself.
You must let a child’s talents run free,” Singer had said. “They do not do this in the public schools.”
JOHN SINGER and one of his sons, in a 1978 photo. He believed in law and order, but he believed even more in raising his children to be spiritually healthy and racially conscious.
SINGER (right), with two daughters and a neighbor, before police killed him with a shotgun blast in the back for resisting a court order to submit his children to race-mixing propaganda in the public schools.

The Singers defied state officials who demanded that the children be kept in an “accredited” school. “They are trying to take away our God-given liberty,” Singer said. He ignored the official papers and drove off some policemen at gunpoint who had come to arrest him, posing as newsmen.
I won’t let the sheriff arrest me,” Singer had vowed. The ex-Marine patrolled the farm with an M-1 rifle, and some of the children were also armed.
One snowy morning last January, as John Singer walked down from the homestead to pick up his mail, eight policemen waited in ambush and surrounded him.
They tried to get him, and I guess he pulled a gun,” the sheriff told reporters afterwards. “When he did, I guess they shot him.”
John Singer was hit in the back with a shotgun blast and died on the way to the hospital.
The police arrested Vicki and jailed her in Salt Lake City on a contempt charge.
Singer’s aged mother, Charlotte, told reporters she wished she had been there to die with her son. “He wants to raise his children decent, and for that he has to lose his life,” the mother said, weeping. “They murdered him in cold blood.”
Hundreds of outraged citizens telephoned slate officials to protest the slaying. The state capitol was evacuated twice because of bomb threats.
Singer tried to place himself above the law,” a county deputy attorney said to reporters. “We must have law, or we will have anarchy.”
In schools across America, White children are beaten, robbed, and terrorized — victims of government-ordered racial mixing. President Carter has offered amnesty to illegal aliens who have broken U.S. immigration laws and successfully evaded arrest.
Convicted killers, rapists, and muggers are released every day on parole to continue their lives of crime. Street gangs terrorize whole sections of major cities.
Public officials are regularly caught taking bribes. Fraud runs rampant throughout the Federal government. Jimmy Carter welcomes mass-murderer Menachem Begin to America.
But John Singer “broke the law.” He wanted to raise his children away from the evil and immorality of a society gone mad. That was a crime for which the System decreed he had to die.

2 comments to Singer Killing: Inexcusable Atrocity

  • Anonymous

    In this society, all children belong to the state. You are just a tit to suck on until they can get them in school for their training to be good slaves. I don’t know why anyone would even want to raise children under these circumstances.

  • Anonymous

    One reason to raise children under these circumstances: We must have children and train them to fight back. Otherwise, our great White race will be genocided.

    What I don’t understand is why men who have been wise to jewry longer than I have are still not urging our fellow White men to destroy the invaders. That is the solution for which nothing stands in our way. They are killing us. We must fight back. Is every man waiting for the day when the government thugs come to his door? It’s too late then. We must fight back while we are still free and able.

    I am James Laffrey. Site:

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