(This statement filled the back cover of numerous issues of National Vanguard magazine:)
What We Believe
The men and women of the National Alliance believe that the future is what we make it. We believe that we, as free and conscious agents, have an absolute responsibility for all those elements of the world around us over which we are capable of exercising control: for the structure of our society and its institutions; for the beauty and cleanliness of both our natural and man-made environments; for the cultural and moral climate in which we live and work; for the military and geo-political status of our nation relative to the other nations of the earth; and, most . . .
Continue reading National Alliance Statement of Belief . . .
From Brief Commentary, National Vanguard Magazine Issue No. 88, July 1982:MURDEROUS Menachem [Begin] is in the fourth day of his newest invasion of Lebanon as this issue goes to press. Those troublesome Palestinians, who just will not let his fellow Israelis enjoy their stolen country in peace, must be taught a lesson. So his brave, Jewish stormtroopers are giving the Palestinian women and children in the Lebanese refugee camps another good taste of napalm and shrapnel.
Poor Ronnie [Reagan], who gave Menacham the napalm and the fragmentation bombs and told him for the fourteenth time that he was not to use them for aggressive purposes, like he has used all the weapons given to him earlier, is embarrassed by Menachem’s . . .
Continue reading What would the Jew do without his Holocaust®? . . .
The topic is the range of people that the National Alliance should be trying to reach and influence, if not actually recruit into the organization, and how it might be possible to reach them. In the course of this discourse Dr. Pierce articulates his rationale for buying Resistance Records.
Tom Metzger was also present and spoke for a few minutes after Dr. Pierce.
Selected ‘Brief Commentary’ from National Vanguard magazine Issue #87, June 1982CHRISTIAN researchers have put 14 years of painstaking effort into a valuable new reference work, World Christian Encyclopedia, which has just been published by Oxford University Press. It is crammed with up-to-date data of all sorts of the world’s religious groups, and some of the demographic data tell an especially interesting story about the future of Christianity.
It is becoming more a Black man’s religion — and less a White man’s — with each passing day. Every day 7,600 Whites cease to be practicing Christians, according to World Christian Encyclopedia, while Christianity gains 16,000 Black Africans (4,000 per day through conversion and 12,000 through births).
************************ “[Christianity] is becoming more . . .
Continue reading Can a Universalist Middle-Eastern Creed Save the White Race? . . .
Nobler View WantedLetter to Editor of National Vanguard magazine issue #103, January-February 1985 I am White and proud of it, but still there are moments when I can hardly restrain my contempt for the values of my fellow Whites. Last weekend, when I attended the funeral of my grandfather, I experienced such a moment.
My grandfather was a man as noble in stature, as high-minded in judgment, as great in soul as any man I have ever met. He was not, however, religious in any conventional sense until the waning years of his life, when his health began to fail and he came under the influence of fundamentalist Christians. Even then I never knew him to speak of God or . . .
Continue reading Indictment of Christianity by National Alliance Member . . .
What It Will Take Editorial from National Vanguard magazine #103, January-February 1985
The longest-running national news story of recent months certainly must be the one about the Aryan Resistance Movement (also named in various news accounts as the White American Bastion, the Silent Brotherhood, and the Order). Newspapers have reported, week after week, on multimillion-dollar armored-car robberies and a counterfeiting operation intended to finance a violent overthrow of the U.S. government, fiery shootouts between White revolutionaries and SWAT teams of Federal police agents, an assassination of a Jewish radio commentator and alleged “hit lists” of government officials to be killed, and massive FBI manhunts for surviving members of a group that is said to have involved no more than 40 . . .
Continue reading Dr. Pierce’s Tribute to Robert Mathews . . .
An Ethical Question
An editorial from the National Alliance Founder and Chairman to his membership in that organization’s internal monthly Members BULLLETIN, July, 1995:
Several recent issues of Spotlight, a weekly tabloid for patriotic-conservative readers which is published in Washington, DC, have carried direct and indirect attacks on me, alleging that I am an enemy agent of some sort. Specifically, the Spotlight hinted a couple of months ago that I am an “FBI asset,” and in the July 17 issue it expressed the belief that I am a “government ringer — probably an FBI informant.”
These attacks are a renewal of a 24-year-old campaign of defamation against me by Spotlight’s owner, Willis Carto. The campaign began in . . .
Continue reading Dr. Pierce on where to draw the line in tolerating and forgiving liars . . .
NOTE: The following was written by Dr. Pierce in 1992 and included in the original edition of the National Alliance Membership Handbook (pages 46-51). Unfortunately, this entire important policy guideline — that some would say is what set the National Alliance apart from other pro-White organizations — was removed altogether in the second edition that was published by those who took over the National Alliance after the death of its Founder and Guiding Light for 30+ years, Dr. William L. Pierce. 2.d. OPPOSED IDEOLOGIES 2d.vii. ChristianityThe National Alliance is not a religious organization, in the ordinary sense of the term. It does, however, have to concern itself with religious matters, because religions influence the behavior of people, society, and . . .
Continue reading Dr. Pierce’s National Alliance Policy Opposed to Christian Doctrine . . .
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• Any WLP ADVs that are no longer online;
• Interviews (e.g. Coast to Coast AM, and probably a number of local interviews);
• Any recordings of the talks that Dr. Pierce gave at Aryan Nations and Bob Miles' Mountain Church -- or any other venue.
If you have something that we can add to this blog, please write us using the contact page below.
What would the Jew do without his Holocaust®?
From Brief Commentary, National Vanguard Magazine Issue No. 88, July 1982:MURDEROUS Menachem [Begin] is in the fourth day of his newest invasion of Lebanon as this issue goes to press. Those troublesome Palestinians, who just will not let his fellow Israelis enjoy their stolen country in peace, must be taught a lesson. So his brave, Jewish stormtroopers are giving the Palestinian women and children in the Lebanese refugee camps another good taste of napalm and shrapnel.
Poor Ronnie [Reagan], who gave Menacham the napalm and the fragmentation bombs and told him for the fourteenth time that he was not to use them for aggressive purposes, like he has used all the weapons given to him earlier, is embarrassed by Menachem’s . . .
Continue reading What would the Jew do without his Holocaust®? . . .