Dr. William Luther Pierce Attack! newspaper, issue No. 41, 1975 Elsewhere in this Attack! is an article about the loss of freedom in Britain and Canada. These are freedoms which were once greatly cherished by the ancestors of the present inhabitants of those two countries. Today, however, their passing is hardly noticed. The average Englishman may be furious with his government for insisting that he admit “sambos” and “wogs” into his social clubs, but he couldn’t care less that his government is preparing to jail writers who warn of the growing power of organized Jewry. After all, he himself ordinarily reads nothing but the results of the latest soccer match. And when he is in the mood for something more, . . . Continue reading Does America Deserve To Live? . . . ![]() From “Letters to Editor” in National Vanguard magazine, Issue No. 92, January 1983 Capitalism In several articles you have written disparagingly of capitalism, lumping it in with Communism as an “alien” system and referring to capitalists as “parasites.” It occurs to me that when you and I speak of capitalism, we are, in fact, speaking of different things entirely. To you a capitalist is someone who will do anything for money; to me a capitalist is a technician who finances trade and industry. If renting out one’s capital at interest is parasitic and unproductive, then one would imagine that industry and local government could do without the money. This is evidently not the case. What, then, is to compensate . . . Continue reading Dr. Pierce Envisions Eurocentric Economic System . . . by William Piercefrom Attack! #14, 1972 When they are desperate and have their backs against a wall, most men will fight, if they can see a chance thereby of relieving their plight. In America today, desperate men are scarce. We complain about taxes and about rising prices, but we are not desperate about either, despite imaginative rhetoric to that effect heard occasionally. We denounce the treason in our government and the alien monopoly over our information media, but neither have made us desperate. Discontent, Yes; Desperation, No. The busing of school children into integrated blackboard jungles makes us angry, but few have become really desperate as a result of even the most outrageous busing edicts. Those who felt a strong . . . Continue reading Why We Fight . . . From “Letters to Editor,” National Vanguard No. 110, March-April 1989: How Much Longer? I would appreciate a clarification of your position on just how long the present System will last and what our strategy should be in coping with it. It often seems from the overall tone of NATIONAL VANGUARD that you expect the System to crash of its own accord as a result of the lowered racial quality of American society. At the very least, you assume such deterioration in the standard of living that a White revolt would find enough supporters for a chance of success. My question: Why do you believe the System must deteriorate so dramatically?Allow me to propose a counter-theory, which I will call the . . . Continue reading Dr. Pierce Looks to Future for Dissidents . . . From National Vanguard Issue No. 97, October 1983 There was a time when “law and order” was both one of the firmest foundation blocks of Western civilization and a rallying cry against the internal enemies of the West; now, under the influence of the democratic political process, it is becoming a sick joke. Every American schoolchild is taught that the Founding Fathers, in their boundless wisdom, ensured that the government of the United States would never become a threat to the freedom of its citizens. They accomplished this miracle by dividing government powers among three independent branches — legislative, executive, and judicial — and by instituting a system of “checks and balances” to prevent any of the . . . Continue reading The Law . . . by Dr William L. PierceFrom National Vanguard magazine issue No. 110, March-April 1989 April 20 of this year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of the greatest man of our era — a man who dared more and achieved more, who set his aim higher and climbed higher, who felt more deeply and stirred the souls of those around him more mightily, who was more closely attuned to the Life Force which permeates our cosmos and gives it meaning and purpose, and did more to serve that Life Force, than any other man of our times. And yet he is the most reviled and hated man of our times. Only a few tens of thousands of men and . . . Continue reading The Measure of Greatness . . . by Dr. William L. PierceFrom National Vanguard magazine issue No. 110, March-April 1989: Fred Leuchter, of Boston, Massachusetts, is an engineer — a very special sort of engineer. His specialty is the technology of putting condemned prisoners to death. He knows everything there is to know about electric chairs, gallows, and gas chambers. His consulting firm, Fred A. Leuchter Associates, is the only one of its kind in the United States, and he is the man who is called on whenever a new prison with an execution facility is built or an old one is refurbished. One of his recent jobs was the design of a new gas chamber for the Missouri State Penitentiary, in Jefferson City. Another was a . . . Continue reading The Evidence of the Prussian Blue . . . |
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