Letter to NATIONAL VANGUARD subscribers (Publication date: September 19, 1989) by Dr. William L. Pierce — Dear NATIONAL VANGUARD Reader. We have a number of new books – and, for the first time, videos – listed in the accompanying catalog supplement. I believe they will be of interest to you. I’m sorry there isn’t a new issue of NATIONAL VANGAURD with this letter. It’s been six months since the last issue, and it may be another three months before a new issue is published. The problem is that I’m trying to finish something I believe will be very important, and I haven’t had time to work on NATIONAL VANGUARD, which ordinarily takes most of my . . .
Continue reading Dr. Pierce Discusses the Novel Hunter and 1989’s Degenerative Trends . . .
This editorial has been condensed from a talk given to Washington-area members,
supporters, and friends of the National Alliance on June 3, 1979.
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) THE MARINES HAVE a recruiting slogan which the Alliance could easily adopt as its own, with only a slight alteration: The Alliance is looking for a few good men — and women. The emphasis is on both “few” and “good,” because there are, unfortunately, relatively few men and women today who have the qualities which the Alliance demands. Anyone not intimately familiar with the task of the Alliance, with the types of problems we face, and with the human failings evoked by those problems may be excused for assuming that all . . .
Continue reading What the Alliance Demands of Us . . .
The “Movement” Despite the commentary in the Membership Handbook and periodically in the BULLETIN, there are members who still have a fixation on something called the “movement” rather than on the Alliance. These “movement”-oriented members see the Alliance not as unique and irreplaceable, but merely as one organization among many, all working toward the same goal. “How much stronger our movement will be” they think; “when all these organizations are united. Now we are weak because we are divided, but if we all work together we will be stronger and more successful.” These members also tend to regard anyone who sticks his arm out and shouts “White power,” as a “comrade” much like a fellow Alliance member. . . .
Continue reading Dr. Pierce distances the National Alliance from the “Movement” . . .
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) IT IS WORTHWHILE, every so often, to review in our minds just where it is that we are headed and how we plan to get there. It may help to keep us from wandering off course — from forgetting, in the day-to-day bustle of events, what it’s all about. Then, too, circumstances change, and if our work is to remain meaningful and to continue carrying us forward we must constantly re-evaluate our strategy and our tactics in the light of new conditions. Otherwise, it is all too easy to slip into the lazy habit of saying and doing the same things we have learned to say and do in the past, while failing . . .
Continue reading On Goals . . .
Liberals, the Jews, and Israel by Dr. William L. Pierce THE CURRENT JEWISH power play in the Middle East poses the gravest imaginable dangers to America. Yet, in the midst of these dangers is a development which offers the promise of great good to the American people. That good is the disruption of the American liberal establishment and the extensive undermining of the traditional alliance between Jews and Gentile liberals. Neo-Liberal Stalwarts The Palestine crisis has caused a major falling out among the architects of American decline and degeneration. We are presented with the interesting spectacle of such neo-liberal stalwarts as Reverend Daniel Berrigan, Senator J.W. Fulbright, and syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, among others, turning against both . . .
Continue reading Liberals, the Jews, and Israel . . .
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• Interviews (e.g. Coast to Coast AM, and probably a number of local interviews);
• Any recordings of the talks that Dr. Pierce gave at Aryan Nations and Bob Miles' Mountain Church -- or any other venue.
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