“In August we made our start”

This month, August, 2015, is the 30th anniversary of Dr. Pierce’s moving of the National Alliance National Office headquarters from Arlington, Virginia, to its present location near Hillsboro, West Virginia.

In January, 1986, after the move to The Land in West Virginia, Dr. Pierce wrote to National Vanguard subscribers and supporters in a letter, telling them about”

…the relocation and reorganization of our entire editorial, publishing, and book-distributing activity. Our former offices, near Washington, DC, had become both too cramped and too expensive for us to remain there. Consequently, in August we moved everything except our editorial operation to Baltimore, Maryland, where we now have more room and lower overhead expenses. Our worldwide distribution of books and other printed materials . . .

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The Buying of Mr. Churchill

by Dr. William Pierce THE MAN MOST directly responsible for the demise of the British Empire and its replacement as a world power by the Soviet Empire is Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill (1874-1965). The policies which he advocated as a member of the British government in the period just before World War II and the policies which he followed as prime minister during that war were diametrically opposed to the interests of the British people and led ultimately to the sad plight in which Britain finds herself today. Churchill acted as he did, because he consciously and deliberately served alien interests from 1938, at the latest, until the end of the war. Winston Churchill was the descendant of a . . .

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Whose Values Shall Rule?

“Whose Values Shall Rule?” is a commentary by Dr. William Pierce which appeared in the National Alliance Bulletin of June, 1980. Dr. Pierce addressed a meeting of the Ridgewood Group, at the Estonian House in New York City, on May 27. He had been asked to speak especially about his book, The Turner Diaries (for which the nom de plume Andrew Macdonald was used). He spoke for about 45 minutes, first pointing out that the purpose of the book is neither to entertain nor to present a plan for a revolution. The book, he said, is intended solely to serve as a medium for certain ideas, some expressed implicitly and others explicitly. Those ideas deal with human behavior, motivation, and . . .

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Drugs and American Youth

An insightful commentary on the long-term damaging effects of alcohol and illegal drugs on our society. by Dr. William L. Pierce TEN YEARS AGO the student who used illegal drugs was likely to be looked upon by his peers as both a criminal and a person with serious personal problems — as was more often than not the case. Certainly, there were young, White drug users before 1960. But, outside a few communities, they were a rarity. Marijuana was almost as scarce on most university campuses as was heroin. It is, in fact, quite difficult for today’s average undergraduate to imagine just how drastically student attitudes toward drugs have changed in the few short years during which drug usage has . . .

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Fundamentals for Victory

A Cosmotheist lecture given by Dr. William Pierce on October 24, 1976 at the office of the National Alliance in Arlington, Virginia by Dr. William L. Pierce I DON’T THINK I need to convince anyone here that what we are trying to do is very difficult. It is obvious from our own experience of the last few months that it is not easy to build up our numbers even to those needed for a truly viable organization, which I talked about a few weeks ago. It is not easy to bring new people to our meetings in the numbers we would like. The difficulties we experience tempt some of us, I am sure, to place . . .

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Fear of the Smear

by Dr. William L. Pierce THE ENEMIES of America and of Europe — the enemies of our people everywhere — have two guiding principles, two imperatives. The first is to continue backing the racially destructive programs now in place while introducing newer and even more destructive programs through the media and through government legislation. The second imperative is to prevent or neutralize any effective opposition to their programs: that is, to make it impossible for our people to defend themselves. For example, just two of the racially destructive programs they already have in place are, one, keeping our borders open to immigrants from the non-White areas of the world and, two, doing everything they can to encourage miscegenation. Their . . .

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The Corrupters

by Dr. William L. Pierce MAY I be cynical for a few minutes? I hope you don’t mind, but with the great democratic ritual of choosing a new President coming up in just a few days now, I can’t resist the urge to make a few cynical comments. (ILLUSTRATION: Peter Sichrovsky, author of Born Guilty: Children of Nazi Families) Of course, it’s not just the current Presidential campaign which is the cause for my cynicism. Have you been watching the senatorial campaign in New York? Have you noticed how Mrs. Clinton and the Republican candidate, Rick Lazio, have been falling over one another in their eagerness to apply their lips to the posterior of the Jewish vote? You certainly . . .

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A Closer Look at the Enemy

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) YOU KNOW, this world we live in is a complicated place. Behind every phenomenon we observe there are many forces at work, some of them obvious and some not so obvious. Trying to separate what’s important from what’s not important can be a confusing task. Every week when we discuss on this program what’s happening in the world around us, and I try to explain events so that listeners can have a clear understanding of them, I must simplify the world. Clarity requires simplification. Understanding demands simplification. A useful explanation requires separating the important things from those which are less important and focusing first on the former. If I tried to explain every . . .

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Media Myths

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) THE SUBJECT I’ve discussed most often is the dominant Jewish influence in the mass media of news and entertainment. I’ve spoken most often about this because it is the most important problem with which we must deal. It’s also a subject on which I receive a lot of flak. One of the most common forms of flak is the objection that it doesn’t matter. Sure, the Jews control the media, but it doesn’t make any difference, critics tell me. They’re just good businessmen, and they know how to run the media profitably. That’s why they’ve gained control, and it’s no worse than it would be if a bunch of Irishmen or Mormons were . . .

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The Importance of Leadership

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) EVERY TIME I fly somewhere for a meeting or a speaking engagement, I have to spend an hour or two in airports. That’s a very democratic experience. One really sees the dregs of humanity in airports these days. It used to be that what bothered me most was seeing young White women with mongrel offspring in tow. What irritates me at least as much these days is the sight of young White males trying to look and act like Blacks. In every airport one sees these sorry specimens wearing hip-hop garb: backward baseball caps, baggy shorts or trousers, and clueless expressions on their faces. More and more one sees these slack-jawed cretins with . . .

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