“In August we made our start”

This month, August, 2015, is the 30th anniversary of Dr. Pierce’s moving of the National Alliance National Office headquarters from Arlington, Virginia, to its present location near Hillsboro, West Virginia.

In January, 1986, after the move to The Land in West Virginia, Dr. Pierce wrote to National Vanguard subscribers and supporters in a letter, telling them about”

…the relocation and reorganization of our entire editorial, publishing, and book-distributing activity. Our former offices, near Washington, DC, had become both too cramped and too expensive for us to remain there. Consequently, in August we moved everything except our editorial operation to Baltimore, Maryland, where we now have more room and lower overhead expenses. Our worldwide distribution of books and other printed materials has continued without interruption from the new location. And we have found and stocked a number of valuable new books, which will be listed in the latest edition of our book catalog, to be mailed to you later this month.

I and a few associates, however, did not move to Baltimore. Instead, we settled on a rugged, undeveloped mountainside more than 100 miles from any large city. We wanted an environment unlike any which can be found in what America’s cities have become, an environment conducive to thinking about and writing about the problems now besetting our race.

To anyone living in Washington or any other major city, of course, certain aspects of these problems are painfully evident. One’s nose is rubbed in them every day of the week. The effect — at least, the effect on me — is to generate a sustained state of barely contained rage. It is [enough] to make me so angry that I want to kill. Since that is not feasible, I write. Mostly I write about the things that make me angry: about the controlled media and the controlled politicians; about the perverse judicial system and the race-destroying churches; about official lies and official hypocrisy; about the malignancy of the educational system and the greed, cowardice, and irresponsibility of those with the power to make changes; about Jews and lawyers, feminists and homosexuals, sanctimonious liberals and mush-headed conservatives.

There was a time when I thought this rage such a good thing I made periodic visits to New York City — perhaps the only place in America more rage-provoking than Washington — in order to keep up my steam. But eventually I came to realize that more than rage is needed, that we must address ourselves to other matters than the manifest problems which so provoke us. We must better understand the failings in ourselves which made it possible for these problems to arise and fester unhindered. More to the point, we must learn how to cure ourselves before we can hope to eliminate the problems. This requires looking beyond the symptoms of our disease to its causes: above all, to its moral and spiritual roots. But when we are having our noses rubbed in the symptoms every day, it is difficult to look beyond them — and even more difficult to cool our rage enough to have clear vision.

So that is the reason — in addition to the increasingly onerous overhead expense and the lack of needed working room — we moved our editorial operation from a Washington suburb to a wild mountainside. We wanted to get far enough away from the problems about which we had been writing so that we could begin to see more of the forest, and see it in a new light.

To state it in more ambitious terms, we wanted to begin doing more than the analysis and criticism which has been the standard fare in National Vanguard. We wanted to begin developing some positive ideas about solutions, about new approaches to living. We wanted to establish a better basis for building the new consciousness — and eventually the new order from which a new people might some day arise — which has been proclaimed on its logotype as the aim of National Vanguard from the beginning.

I had been thinking about doing that, developing plans and accumulating resources, since 1977. And in August we made our start. I had hoped that the move might set back the publication schedule for National Vanguard no more than a month or six weeks. But new ventures generally produce new and unforeseen problems to overcome, and that has been the case with ours. Expenses in getting established at the new location mounted more rapidly than anticipated, requiring us to do many things ourselves that we might have hired someone else to do if there had been more money. And everything was harder and more time consuming than we thought it would be. So six weeks has dragged into five months.

I don’t want to get into an exposition in this letter of all the practical difficulties we have encountered and overcome in the past five months. except to say that this experience itself already has begun to yield some new — and, I believe, valuable — insights.


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