Sins of the Fathers: Racism and Genocide in the Old Testament

From National Vanguard magazine, 1986:Sins of the Fathers: Racism and Genocide in the Old TestamentBy Frank Candor Although the alleged sins took place more than a generation ago, they hardly have become bygones to those who claim to have been sinned against.  These victims are determined that the world shall not forget their tribulations or the wickedness of their persecutors; witness only the ongoing National Holocaust Memorial Museum project in Washington and the new nine-hour film epic, Shoa, the latest in a long series of Hollywood “Holocaust” spectaculars.Over and over again, through every medium of communication, we are presented with two contrasting images:  on the one hand the blameless innocents (both Jews and non-Jews, we are told, although the focus is . . .

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Dr. Pierce on Christian Morality

Letter to editor in National Vanguard magazine – December 1982: Hellfire and Brimstone

Dear National Vanguard: In the October issue Dr. Pierce has, indeed, shown that his “A New Morality for Us” is more unequivocally on the side of our race than is Dennis Whiting’s “One Morality for All,” but one must wonder if his appeal to an “underlying purpose of all life” is less of a theological concept than Whiting’s Christian deity. Most people of our race, after they have lost their Christian faith, are not ready to be bemused by any notion of evolutionary purpose; rather, they quickly devolve to the kind of mad-dog . . .

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Dr. Pierce contrasts Cosmotheist concept of responsibility with Christian doctrine of irresponsibility

Letter from Dr. William L. Pierce to members of his Cosmotheist Community, May 22, 1978:

Dear Cosmotheist:

Our computerized typesetter was delivered March 1 and is being temorarily housed at the National Alliance offices. In return for providing space for the machine, the Community is allowing the Alliance to use the machine for setting type for NATIONAL VANGUARD and other Alliance publications. We expect, however, to set the type for the second of our own pamphlets within the next month. This letter was composed on the new machine — which is even easier to use than an ordinary electric typewriter — and you can see how much better it looks than a mimeographed letter.

I am pleased to . . .

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Bolshevism From Moses to Lenin – Dietrich Eckart

Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin: A Dialogue Between Adolf Hitler and Me

Dietrich Eckart ***

Translated by Dr. William Pierce


The following material has been translated from a pamphlet found in the NSDAP Hauptarchiv. Its German title was Der Bolschewismus von Moses bis Lenin: Zwiegespräch zwischen Adolf Hitler und mir, and it was originally published in Munich in March 1924 from unfinished notes on which Dietrich Eckart had been working in the autumn of 1923. Dietrich Eckart was born on March 23, 1868, in the Bavarian town of Neumarkt, which is about twenty miles southeast of Nürnberg, and he died on December 26, 1923, in Berchtesgaden. He was a poet, a playwright, a journalist, . . .

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Dr. Pierce Blames Churches for Downfall of Southern Africa

Churches Bent on Suicide

Issue No. 46 of ATTACK! tabloid, 1979: There is no more striking symptom of the terrible illness of Western civilization than the self-destructive behavior of the Christian churches in recent years. and that behavior is displayed nowhere more starkly than in the attitude and actions of the churches relative to the Black-White conflict in Africa. It was six years ago that the World Council of Churches, representing 267 different Protestant and Orthodox denominations from many countries, established its Fund to Combat Racism. Each year since then money from the Fund has been awarded to various non-White groups, engaged in “liberation” struggles against “White racists.” In 1974, for example, at the annual convention of the WCC . . .

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Role of the Church

Soweto Christian Gospel Choir performs in Chicago, Illinois The times, they are a-changing, and Western man’s institutions are changing too. One of these institutions is organized Christianity: the Church. (“The Church” – with a capital “C” – hereinafter is used in a collective sense, encompassing all organizations which embody the established Christian sects, both Catholic and Protestant, except where the context indicates a specific denomination.) The Church has endured as a Western institution for about a thousand years – even longer in some parts of the West – but it is now feeling the hurricanes of change and responding to them more strongly than many new institutions. Spiritual Masochism Some recent news items concerning the Church will serve as . . .

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Cosmotheism: Wave of the Future


    For the first time in written form, an important speech by William Luther Pierce (pictured), delivered at the National Alliance offices in Arlington, Virginia in 1977 

by Dr. William Piercetranscribed by Vanessa Neubauer

WE HAVE ready tonight the first of a series of pamphlets intended to serve not only as guides for us, but also to aid us in enlightening new people and bringing them into our community.

This particular pamphlet, The Path, is the first in the series because it’s the most fundamental. It states in very concise form, and also, I hope, in relatively easy to understand form, the essence of our truth, . . .

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One of seven opposed ideologies: Christianity

From Dr. William Pierce’s Membership Handbook for the National Alliance:

2d.vii.  Christianity

The National Alliance is not a religious organization, in the ordinary sense of the term. It does, however, have to concern itself with religious matters, because religions influence the behavior of people, society, and governments. The doctrines of various religious groups—Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, et al.—deal with the temporal as well as spiritual matters and therefore often conflict with National Alliance doctrine.

Christian doctrines are of much greater concern to the National Alliance than the doctrines of other large religious groups, because Christianity is the most influential religion in the United States, Europe, and the rest of the White world. Most members of the National Alliance come from . . .

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Nietzsche: Neither Amoral nor Immoral, says Dr. Pierce

Nietzsche: Neither Amoral nor Immoralby Andrew MacdonaldFrom Instauration magazine, page 6, August 1991:

Regarding the article in the May issue by A.F. Svenson, “Ethics and White Liberation,” I agree wholeheartedly with Svenson’s principal conclusion: namely, that we need a firm moral basis for our liberation struggle. I would like to point out, however, that one of his theses is faulty. Svenson asserts, in essence, that Nietzsche was amoral, that the philosopher of the Superman was nothing more than a survivalist and that he provided only a “cavalier treatment of moral values.” This leaves the reader with the impression that Nietzsche was nothing more than a watered-down Germanic copy of Ayn Rand.             Nietzsche’s writings are voluminous, with commentaries . . .

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Dr. Pierce’s admiration for Wulf Sörensen’s Heathen World View

Dr. William L. Pierce: “A more concise study of the difference between the Christian world view and ours is given in Wulf Sörensen’s The Voice of Our Ancestors, which was reprinted in National Vanguard No.107.”


There they hang on the wall, one hundred ninety-six little plaques in oval, gilded frames. And there are still far fewer than there ought to have been. All the frames in the upper rows show only a name with a couple of dates on white paper. But in the lower rows they become alive. The portraits begin about the time of the Thirty Years War. They are fine miniatures, carefully painted with a pointed brush . . .

Continue reading Dr. Pierce’s admiration for Wulf Sörensen’s Heathen World View . . .