Dr. Pierce contrasts Cosmotheist concept of responsibility with Christian doctrine of irresponsibility

Letter from Dr. William L. Pierce to members of his Cosmotheist Community, May 22, 1978:

Dear Cosmotheist:

Our computerized typesetter was delivered March 1 and is being temorarily housed at the National Alliance offices. In return for providing space for the machine, the Community is allowing the Alliance to use the machine for setting type for NATIONAL VANGUARD and other Alliance publications. We expect, however, to set the type for the second of our own pamphlets within the next month. This letter was composed on the new machine — which is even easier to use than an ordinary electric typewriter — and you can see how much better it looks than a mimeographed letter.

I am pleased to announce that we had 100% participation in the purchase of our typesetter; every person who was a member of the Community at the time we first announced our intention of buying the machine has contributed at least one week’s wages for that purpose, with the last donation ($275) arriving earlier this month.

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OUR NEW MACHINE [Image of used Compugraphic-IV-TG Typesetter]

We have held several Sunday-evening meetings since my last letter, the most important of which was the meeting of March 19, at which I talked about the Cosmotheist concept of responsibility.

In that talk I pointed out that it is our consciousness of the fact that we are the bearers of the ultimate responsibility for the destiny of the universe which most sharply distinguishes us from others. I contrasted our concept of responsibility with the Christian concept. To the Christian — and also to the Jew, the Moslem, and the adherents of other religions lacking a holistic view of reality — ultimate responsibility rests with a supernatural being named Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, or what have you, and man’s only responsibility is to carry out his commandments.

The Christians’ New Testament spells out this concept just as clearly as does the Jews’ Old Testament. According to Jesus, not a sparrow falls to earth unless Jehovah wills it, and since men are more important to Jehovah than sparrows, nothing happens to them unless it is the will of God. In other words, “Don’t worry; the Lord will take care of everything.”

The world, of course, would be much worse off than it actually is if all Christians acted in accord with this doctrine of total irresponsibility. Fortunately, men of our race have never been completely comfortable with this non-Aryan doctrine. (Thus, the un-Christian maxim: “God helps those who help themselves.”) Nevertheless, the idea that man doesn’t have to worry about what will happen to the world, that that’s not his responsibility, that the Lord will somehow provide, is an idea which has influenced nearly every White person’s thinking, to a greater or lesser extent, whether he thinks of himself as a Christian or not. It is an idea which is irreconcilably opposed to the Cosmotheist idea of man’s responsibility; and it is an idea which has caused an enormous amount of mischief and has become so dangerous in this era that it can no longer be tolerated.

The insidious idea that some supernatural being 
has a firm grip on things undermines man’s 
sense of his own responsibility.

The most basic evil in the world today, the gravest error, is the attitude, often unconscious, of our fellow White men and women that conditions in the world around them around them are not their responsibility. The government will take care of things. Or God will take care of them. Or somebody will. But we don’t have to worry about them. The insidious idea that some supernatural being has a firm grip on things undermines man’s sense of his own responsibility. They work to change the world, but they seldom make a wholehearted effort. They are not willing to go all the way, to take sufficiently radical measures to get the job done. They play the game by the accepted rules, because, buried in the back of their minds, is the Christian idea that if they don’t succeed in overwhelming evil men, God will do it. If they aren’t able to keep the masses from their folly, God will somehow intervene before things get too badly out of hand. This half-heartedness, this unwillingness to accept full responsibility, all too often has turned a possible success into an actual failure.

We, on the other hand, understand that there is no Big Daddy looking over our shoulders to save us from our mistakes and failures. We understand that we ourselves are Big Daddy, and that if we don’t stop the Jews and cure the world’s other ills, no one else will. We understand that there is no separate God and separate man, but there is only God, and man is part of God — a conscious part.

With consciousness comes responsibility. But it is wrong to think that, since we have attained a certain degree of understanding, a certain level of consciousness, some Big Daddy is, in effect, saying to us: “You’ve come a long way, sonny boy. Now I’m going to let you take over some of my responsibilities. I’m going to let you participate in the evolutionary process and begin helping me make decisions about the future shape of the world.” Such a view still assumes a duel reality, part Creator and part creature,  with ultimate responsibility vested in the Creator but not in its creatures.

The correct view is that the Whole has, in one of its parts — namely, in man — evolved a new type of self-consciousness. Responsibility is not bestowed on us as a consequence of that self-consciousness, but it is inherent in it, inseparable from it. We are a new aspect, a new development of the Creator, and, because all responsibility is vested in the Creator, it is vested in us — to the extent that we are conscious of our unity with the Creator.

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The Cosmotheist concept of responsibility — the understanding that we alone are responsible for the shape of the entire future — must become firmly embedded in our thinking, so that it completely drives out the Christian idea of irresponsibility and guides every aspect of our lives. In particular, we must always be conscious that the whole future depends upon our awakening other members of our race to their responsibility and bringing them into our community.


[signed] William L. Pierce

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