Natural Foods and Health

by Dr. William Pierce

IN ANY COMMUNITY, a stranger who wants an introduction to local right-wing circles needs only walk into the nearest “health food” store. There, among the shelves of sunflower seeds, dried seaweed, and wheat germ he is sure to rub elbows with any number of LOLITS (Little Old Ladies In Tennis Shoes), Minute Men, Birchites, and others of a generally rightist hue — and perhaps a few SDS’ers too, for many members of the New Left have also shown a growing interest in so-called health foods in the last couple of years.

Certified Crackpots

Unfortunately, he will also meet his fill of diet faddists, religious weirdoes, certified crackpots, and even a few paranoiacs who . . .

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Creating a New Society

by Dr. William L. Pierce A WONDERFUL THING about the philosophy which governs our movement is that it is very simple — it is completely summed up in our Affirmation — and yet it is all-inclusive. It tells us everything we need to know. Everything is derived from it. It tells, for example, what kind of society we want to build in place of the present one. That is, it gives us the basic principles which must govern the building of a new society. Since our principles are fundamentally different from those governing any society now on this earth, then our society will also be fundamentally different from those which exist today. Today, societies are categorized in various ways. A . . .

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