Right and Wrong: “Diversity” Destroys Morality

by Dr. William L. Pierce WHEN I was a little boy I was taught that it is bad to lie. I was taught that it is always better to tell the truth, even if that sometimes puts one at a disadvantage. For example, if my mother asked me, “Bill, did you eat all of the cookies in the cookie jar?” and I had done it, I knew that I was supposed to say, “Yes, mother, I did,” even though it might mean a whipping for me. (ILLUSTRATION: Just as morality — correct, group-survival-enhancing behavior — is necessarily different for the wolf and the hyena, so also is it different for different races of men, exemplified here by the European and the Jew.) . . .

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Creating a New Society

by Dr. William L. Pierce A WONDERFUL THING about the philosophy which governs our movement is that it is very simple — it is completely summed up in our Affirmation — and yet it is all-inclusive. It tells us everything we need to know. Everything is derived from it. It tells, for example, what kind of society we want to build in place of the present one. That is, it gives us the basic principles which must govern the building of a new society. Since our principles are fundamentally different from those governing any society now on this earth, then our society will also be fundamentally different from those which exist today. Today, societies are categorized in various ways. A . . .

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Toward a Healthy Society

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kybN4dlBA5c By Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE SPOKEN BEFORE about the deliberately destructive role of the mass media in American society. I’ve talked about the psychology of liberalism, about what makes liberals do the crazy and destructive things they do. Today, though, instead of talking about the enemies of our society, the enemies of our people, let’s just talk about our people and the sort of society that we need. You know, a society is a very complex thing: it is like a living organism. It responds to selective environmental forces, and it evolves. In past ages it was the struggle of our people to survive, the competition of our people against other peoples, other races, which determined the nature . . .

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