This anti-Jewish-immigration cartoon from Life magazine, October 5, 1911, gives a striking reminder of how the media have changed after falling under Jewish control. The caption reads “These pills make me grow, mother, but the more I take the worse I feel.” by Dr. William L. Pierce FOR THE LAST three decades there has been, in this land of free speech and a free press, an almost universally observed taboo on one topic of overwhelming importance: the Jewish question. Until about the last year or two, in fact, it was hardly permissible to even hint at the existence of such an issue, much less to discuss it openly. Now the subject has been broached, not by our own people — for . . .
Continue reading The Jewish Problem . . .
Since the fall of apartheid in 1994, South Africa has increasingly become a locus of slaughter, rape, torture, poverty, and Black-on-White genocide — with near-zero coverage from the mass media. by Dr. William L. Pierce THE AMERICAN press in recent months has carried a number of reports of protests by South African students against their government’s policy of racial separation, or apartheid. “White Students Rebelling Against Government Discrimination,” the Reuters reports shriek, followed by vivid accounts of truncheon-wielding policemen wading into crowds of peacefully protesting students and brutally cracking skulls left and right. One news story told of policemen chasing students from the University of Cape Town who sought refuge in St. George’s Cathedral, battering them senseless, and dragging them . . .
Continue reading Subversion in South Africa . . .
A Portnoy’s Complaint poster from 1972. by Dr. William L. Pierce ATTACK! CERTAINLY does not want to establish a reputation as a pander for the skin-flick trade, but we are going out on a limb just once and recommending that all our readers see the movie Portnoy’s Complaint. Actually there’s very little skin to be seen in this flick, although it is decidedly pornographic. The peg on which the film is hung is a young Jew’s problem with masturbation. Fixation on Genitalia If the viewer can stomach the peculiarly Jewish fixation on genitalia and human excretory functions which pervades the film, there is a reward for him: namely, a fleeting glimpse at the traditional Jewish attitude toward Gentiles — or the goyim, as . . .
Continue reading Portnoy’s Complaint: A Goyische View . . .
Liberals, the Jews, and Israel by Dr. William L. Pierce THE CURRENT JEWISH power play in the Middle East poses the gravest imaginable dangers to America. Yet, in the midst of these dangers is a development which offers the promise of great good to the American people. That good is the disruption of the American liberal establishment and the extensive undermining of the traditional alliance between Jews and Gentile liberals. Neo-Liberal Stalwarts The Palestine crisis has caused a major falling out among the architects of American decline and degeneration. We are presented with the interesting spectacle of such neo-liberal stalwarts as Reverend Daniel Berrigan, Senator J.W. Fulbright, and syndicated columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak, among others, turning against both . . .
Continue reading Liberals, the Jews, and Israel . . .
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