by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)
THE LAST FIFTEEN YEARS have seen the re-emergence of academic studies which apply evolutionary theory to the understanding of human behavior. For the most part, interpretations derived from such studies have emphasized the importance of natural selection at the level of the individual or the gene, not the group. They have continued to conceptualize individuals as free agents, whose group membership is nothing more than an expression of self-interest and convenience.
Recently, however, developments in genetic science and population biology have enabled Darwinian biological theory to be extended logically to show that human society exists not as a collection of selfish individuals with selfish genes, but as a collection of selfish groups with selfish . . .
Continue reading Two Lessons in Racial Survival . . .
by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured, portrait by Will Williams)
HISTORY HAS TAUGHT us that the most fundamental necessities for the existence of a healthy and progressive White society are the racial quality of its members and a moral code or value system which complements and enhances that quality.
Ultimately, of course, the former is much more fundamental than the latter. Only a sound race can give birth to sound racial ethics. Without the living biological entity, there is and can be nothing. But as long as the race survives — as long as the potential for effective racial sovereignty exists — alien and spiritually damaging values alone will not prove fatal.
The enemies of our race have obviously long . . .
Continue reading Miscegenation: The Morality of Death . . .
This article was originally published in National Vanguard Magazine.
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WITH GUN OWNERS increasingly aware of the Jewish leadership of the gun-banning movement, a group of Jews in Milwaukee claiming to be defenders of the Second Amendment have been noisily denouncing gun control as a “Nazi” scheme. The group, calling themselves Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, assert that Adolf Hitler was the father of all gun grabbers. The proof of this, they claim, was the German Weapons Law (Waffengesetz) of March 18, 1938, which was enacted by Germany’s National Socialist government. They have succeeded in persuading at least one magazine read by firearms enthusiasts to publicize their claims repeatedly (Guns and Ammo, May 1993 . . .
Continue reading Is Gun Control a “Nazi” Scheme? . . .
by Dr. William Pierce
IN ANY COMMUNITY, a stranger who wants an introduction to local right-wing circles needs only walk into the nearest “health food” store. There, among the shelves of sunflower seeds, dried seaweed, and wheat germ he is sure to rub elbows with any number of LOLITS (Little Old Ladies In Tennis Shoes), Minute Men, Birchites, and others of a generally rightist hue — and perhaps a few SDS’ers too, for many members of the New Left have also shown a growing interest in so-called health foods in the last couple of years.
Certified Crackpots
Unfortunately, he will also meet his fill of diet faddists, religious weirdoes, certified crackpots, and even a few paranoiacs who . . .
Continue reading Natural Foods and Health . . .
Background to Treason
A Brief History Of U.S. Policy in the Middle East
Part 3: From 1933 to the Second World War[1]
By Dr. William Pierce
The almost simultaneous accession to power, early in 1933, of Adolf Hitler and Franklin Roosevelt is one of the great ironies of history.
Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin enjoying a laugh at Tehran Conference, 1943
The time called for strong White leadership. The largest White nation on earth was prostrate under the heel of a Jew-inspired and still largely Jew-staffed terror-regime of extraordinary virulence and expansionist propensity.[2] In the 14 years of its existence the Jewish-Bolshevik regime in the Soviet Union had murdered some 20 million Russians and Ukrainians. . . .
Continue reading Background to Treason : Part III . . .
From National Vanguard (December 1982)
A Brief History of U.S. Policy in the Middle East By Dr. William Pierce
Part 1 : From the Exodus to the Balfour Declaration
All the turmoil and hatred and killing in the Middle East, some 6,000 miles from home, seems a distant problem to most Americans, who are much more concerned with economic woes or street crime or non-White immigrants. Yet, there is a much closer connection between the problems at home and that distant one than is generally realized. It behooves every responsible and thoughtful American to understand the background of his government’s policies and actions in the Middle East, for only when he does can he understand fully what must be done to . . .
Continue reading Background to Treason – Part I: From the Exodus to the Balfour Declaration . . .
From National Vanguard magazine, Issue No. 117, 1997:
Henry Williamson: Nature’s Visionary By Mark Deavin
The fact that the name of Henry Williamson is today so little known across the White world is a sad reflection of the extent to which Western man has allowed himself to be deprived of his culture and identity over the last 50 years. Until the Second World War Williamson was generally regarded as one of the great English Nature writers, possessing a unique ability to capture the essential essence and meaning of the natural world in all its variety and forms.
His most famous Nature book, Tarka the Otter, was published in 1927 and became one of the best-loved children’s books of . . .
Continue reading Henry Williamson: Nature’s Visionary . . .
Editorial by Dr. William L. Pierce, National Vanguard magazine, Issue No. 83, Survivalism: Response to Racial Chaos . . .
by Dr. William L. Pierce Slavery and cannibalism are traditional in Black Africa. ONE OF THE PRINCIPAL ELEMENTS in the mythology of racial equality being propagated by the mass media, the schools, the churches, and numerous governmental agencies in America today is that of White responsibility for the Negro’s servile status in the past. According to the mythmakers it was the White man’s greed for the Black man’s labor which brought about the institution of Black slavery. Prior to White encroachments into Africa south of the Sahara, beginning around the start of the 16th century, so the myth goes, Black Africans lived in a state of rustic innocence in their thatched huts, happily busying themselves with farming, handicrafts, colorful festivities, charming . . .
Continue reading The Roots of Black Slavery . . .
For the first time in written form, we present a profoundly inspirational speech by Jack Pershing, delivered 30 years ago this month at the General Convention of the National Alliance. (By clicking on the embedded player you can listen to the original recording.) This is one of my very favorite essays and speeches. — Kevin Alfred Strom by Jack Pershing transcribed by Vanessa Neubauer
Listen to JEB Stuart and Ezra Pound
THE LAND OF THE FREE and the home of the brave has become the land of the sheep and the home of the wimps. In every direction, as far as one can see through the carcinogenic haze, lies a desert of cynicism, cowardice, criminality, and corruption. It can be . . .
Continue reading The Warrior and the Poet: J.E.B. Stuart and Ezra Pound . . .
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• Interviews (e.g. Coast to Coast AM, and probably a number of local interviews);
• Any recordings of the talks that Dr. Pierce gave at Aryan Nations and Bob Miles' Mountain Church -- or any other venue.
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