Two Lessons in Racial Survival

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)

THE LAST FIFTEEN YEARS have seen the re-emergence of academic studies which apply evolutionary theory to the understanding of human behavior. For the most part, interpretations derived from such studies have emphasized the importance of natural selection at the level of the individual or the gene, not the group. They have continued to conceptualize individuals as free agents, whose group membership is nothing more than an expression of self-interest and convenience.

Recently, however, developments in genetic science and population biology have enabled Darwinian biological theory to be extended logically to show that human society exists not as a collection of selfish individuals with selfish genes, but as a collection of selfish groups with selfish . . .

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Miscegenation: The Morality of Death

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured, portrait by Will Williams)

HISTORY HAS TAUGHT us that the most fundamental necessities for the existence of a healthy and progressive White society are the racial quality of its members and a moral code or value system which complements and enhances that quality.

Ultimately, of course, the former is much more fundamental than the latter. Only a sound race can give birth to sound racial ethics. Without the living biological entity, there is and can be nothing. But as long as the race survives — as long as the potential for effective racial sovereignty exists — alien and spiritually damaging values alone will not prove fatal.

The enemies of our race have obviously long . . .

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Following the Upward Path

by Dr. William L. Pierce LAST MONTH we received the first part of the answer we have been seeking. It did not seem to tell us much, but in reality it contained the essence of everything else we will learn. Let us think about it for a moment before we go on. What we are seeking to discover is man’s purpose, both individually and collectively. Throughout a billion years of evolution the answer to our question has slowly taken shape and has been written by God on our souls, just as a different answer to an analogous question has been formed in the deepest part of the being of every living creature — and the non-living as well. (That is, . . .

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Evolution and Conservative Beliefs

by Dr. William L. Pierce SINCE THE “Who We Are” series began appearing in NV, the National Office has been receiving complaints from subscribers who are unhappy because the account of man’s origins given there doesn’t jibe with the Jewish account in the Book of Genesis. (ILLUSTRATION: Charles Darwin) Some readers have sent curt notes, such as, “You evidently don’t believe in the Bible. Don’t you know that evolution is the work of Satan? Cancel my subscription immediately!” Others have been more patient, explaining either that (a) the first White people were placed on earth via flying saucer somewhere around 7,000 years ago, or that (b) the Creation occurred as described in Genesis, but Adam and Eve were Whites, not . . .

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Sociobiology: The Truth at Last

by Dr. William L. Pierce THE AUGUST 1 issue of Time magazine carried a six-page cover story on sociobiology, which is just a fancy name for the biological study of groups of interacting organisms — including human societies. (ILLUSTRATION: Charles Darwin demolished one Jewish myth, and his successors are now finding the courage to tackle another: that of the infinite malleability of human nature.) The Time story has many flaws. In addition to its inevitable bias, it treats its subject in the typically jazzy, junky style we have come to expect whenever one of the controlled media gets its grubby paws on something of real value. Yet, the Time editors left enough solid truth in their story that the intelligent reader must scratch his head and . . .

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The Roots of Decadence

by Dr. William L. Pierce DURING THE recent Apollo 17 lunar expedition, publicists and politicians repeatedly emphasized that it was the “last” manned expedition to the moon. There would be no more lunar exploration, because the expeditions were too expensive and the money was needed instead to “improve the quality of life” for Americans. It was pointed out that huge expenditures for the space program could no longer be justified when millions of Americans were living in “poverty.” One columnist estimated that the money spent by NASA just for the equipment left on the moon by the various Apollo expeditions ($500 million) could have bought a large-screen color TV set for each of one million “underprivileged” (Black) families.

 Troubling . . .

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