Call of the Blood album reviewed (1995)

Original cover art by Alfred Sundvall

Dresden is Joseph Pryce and Knut Pedersen. All songs by Joseph Pryce except Horst Wessell Song paraphrased by Joseph Pryce. Dresden’s new album, Call of the Blood, is a new kind of music for White people. Crafted with jewel-like care; with haunting, poetic lyrics; beautiful yet powerful arrangements and instrumentation; and soaring vocals; Call of the Blood combines the best elements of rock and traditional European music. Call of the Blood includes a lyric sheet to help you fully experience the impact of these new, masterfully written and produced songs. Call of the Blood will open a gateway in the minds of Aryan youth to a new and brighter future. – . . .

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Dr. Pierce with his old friend Hans Schmidt

One of the last National Alliance meetings Dr. Pierce attended before his untimely death in July, 2002, was in February of that year down in North Georgia at Chester Doles’ National Alliance Local Unit’s headquarters building which Chester and other Alliance built for the purpose of holding their regular meetings.

Mr. Doles’ Local Unit was broken up when federal authorities sent him off to prison on a trumped up weapons possession charge soon after Dr. Pierce’s death. More here:

Hans Schmidt was a long time friend of Dr. Pierce’s. For years, well into the 1990s, Dr. Pierce’s primary transportation while living in West Virginia was a 1972 Opel Kadett station wagon that Mr. Schmidt had given to him after . . .

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Dividing the Race

EditorialDividing the Race

When it was cited by Niccolo Machiavelli early in the 16th century, it already was a strategy which the enemies of our people have used successfully against us more than once, and it is the strategy which is responsible for our present peril.

Surprisingly, the division of our people is widely discussed in front of us by the enemies who have accomplished it, although the discussions are heavily laden with disingenuousness: the heterosexual White male, they gloat, has been dispossessed; his power has been taken by minorities and women, and there is nothing he can do about it except learn to live with the fait accompli.

Actually, it’s not that simple. The division itself is far more . . .

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How Israel Gets a Free Lunch

From National Vanguard magazine, Issue No 104, March-April 1985:How Israel Gets a Free LunchThy gates shall be open continually…that men may bring unto thee the wealth of the Gentiles… –Isaiah 60:11

Jews are ingenious people, especially where money is concerned, and their financial ingenuity is nowhere more evident than in Israel. Consider: Whenever the Israeli government runs low on money (which is all the time), the minister of finance merely turns on the printing presses and prints as many more shekels as the government needs. No other government in the world is clever enough to finance itself in such an easy way.

Of course, there are a few little kinks in the Israeli method; for one thing, it causes an . . .

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“We’ll Remember, Dr. Pierce!”

From  (24 July 2012): 

William Pierce: A Reminiscenceby Robert S. Griffin

“The only immortality that is real is the memory among the living of what we did with our lives.”

DR. PIERCE HADN’T RETURNED my e-mails for two weeks, or was it three? Not like him.

And then his weekly radio program was a repeat. That gave me pause. I hadn’t ever remembered that happening before. I thought about how several times he had said to me, “I have no idea what I am going to do for the radio show this week. There is not one thing in my head.” “Put on a repeat,” I had suggested. “Oh no, I can’t do that,” he immediately came back. Getting . . .

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Book Proves Hitler Saved the West

Book ReviewFrom National Vanguard magazine, Issue No. 115, November-December, 1995: 


By Victor Suvorov (translated from the Russian by Thomas B. Beattie). Published by Hamish Hamilton (London, 1990). _______________________________________Western Europe, Fall 1941: The Red Army sweeps on from Germany and France toward Italy and Spain. Everywhere the NKVD imposes the bloody terror already suffered by the tortured nations of the East. Political opponents, former army officers, shopkeepers, landowners, small farmers, members of youth movements and cultural associations — millions are rounded up. The fortunate ones are shot, many more die horribly in the blood-splattered basements of Communist interrogation centers. The rest join the endless columns shuffling to the Siberian Gulag. Only the prettiest girls are kept behind for now.

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Dr. Pierce Discusses Racial Leadership

From National Vanguard Tabloid, Issue No. 83, 1981:

Dear Editor:

Without intending to create a false drama, I think you are saying that at some time in the future, if I don’t come around to your way of thinking, you’ll see me offed for the good of the race. To tell you the truth, you make me a little nervous. In your June edition of NATIONAL VANGUARD, in the short article on Rabbi Meir Kahane (I rather admire his honesty and courage) and his effort to make sex illegal in Israel between Gentile men and Jewish women, you write that death would be a more appropriate punishment for that crime than the five years in prison suggested by the . . .

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The Jew Wants It Both Ways

From “Times & Manners” in National Vanguard magazine Issue No. 104, March-April 1985:

The enormous media flap over President Reagan’s plan to lay a wreath in Germany’s Bitburg military cemetery was entirely a Jewish creation. Jews raised the issue in the first place, and then they refused to let go of it. They wept, they made speeches, they demonstrated, they monopolized the media with the issue for weeks. They used it to bludgeon the Reagaan administration into going along with a huge new givaway of American tax dollars to Israel.

They tried to use it at the same time to milk a little more sympathy from the American public for the poor, persecuted Jews. And they were indignant when at . . .

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Ronald Reagan Brings Shame

From National Vanguard magazine No. 104, March-April 1985:

Ominous Tableau By William L. Pierce

In the years of ancient Rome’s long and painful slide into chaos and dissolution, the towering edifice of Roman law, built up during earlier centuries of greatness, maintained an impressive facade. But justice, like the other cornerstones of Roman society, participated in the general slide. State authority was still mighty, but the corruption of the times had transformed it. The epitome of the change could be seen in a tableau which occurred on many a sunny afternoon in Rome’s Colosseum: One gladiator, wounded and defeated, lay stretched out on the sand; another gladiator, victorious, stood over him with sword, spear, or trident . . .

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One of seven opposed ideologies: Christianity

From Dr. William Pierce’s Membership Handbook for the National Alliance:

2d.vii.  Christianity

The National Alliance is not a religious organization, in the ordinary sense of the term. It does, however, have to concern itself with religious matters, because religions influence the behavior of people, society, and governments. The doctrines of various religious groups—Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, et al.—deal with the temporal as well as spiritual matters and therefore often conflict with National Alliance doctrine.

Christian doctrines are of much greater concern to the National Alliance than the doctrines of other large religious groups, because Christianity is the most influential religion in the United States, Europe, and the rest of the White world. Most members of the National Alliance come from . . .

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