On Christianity: The Censored Section of the National Alliance Membership Handbook

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) The following was written by Dr. Pierce in 1992 and included in the original edition of the National Alliance Membership Handbook (pages 46-51). Unfortunately, this entire important policy guideline — one of the crucial elements that sets the National Alliance apart from other racial organizations — was removed altogether in the second edition that was published by Walker and Gliebe. It has been restored under the chairmanship of Will W. Williams. 2.d. OPPOSED IDEOLOGIES 2d.vii. ChristianityThe National Alliance is not a religious organization, in the ordinary sense of the term. It does, however, have to concern itself with religious matters, because religions influence the behavior of people, society, and governments. The doctrines of . . .

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Toward a Healthy Society

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kybN4dlBA5c By Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE SPOKEN BEFORE about the deliberately destructive role of the mass media in American society. I’ve talked about the psychology of liberalism, about what makes liberals do the crazy and destructive things they do. Today, though, instead of talking about the enemies of our society, the enemies of our people, let’s just talk about our people and the sort of society that we need. You know, a society is a very complex thing: it is like a living organism. It responds to selective environmental forces, and it evolves. In past ages it was the struggle of our people to survive, the competition of our people against other peoples, other races, which determined the nature . . .

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Criteria for a White Future

An Editorial by Dr. William Pierce WHEN A SENSITIVE, intelligent, racially conscious White American observes the hellish business of racial and cultural destruction going on all around him, he ordinarily reacts in one of two ways: he becomes involved in one brand or another of conservative or right-wing foolishness; or he tries to shed his sensitivity and retreat into a detached — one might even say solipsist — “observer” status, in which the world around him becomes unreal, like a drama being played out on a giant, panoramic TV screen. (ILLUSTRATION: The Teutonic Order, an example of an organization that encompassed all four criteria to form a functioning “organizational nexus”: hierarchical, radical, all-encompassing, and racial-elitist. They are . . .

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The Ideological Roots of Zionism

Paperback Reveals Astounding Zionist Mentality by Dr. William L. Pierce AN INTERESTING and important paperback hit the newsstands a couple of months ago. It is the New American Library (Signet) edition of Max Dimont’s 1971 book, The Indestructible Jews. A quick skim of the book will convince the average reader that it is 482 pages of stark, raving madness. And it is 482 pages of stark, raving madness! But it is a revealing sort of madness that is well worth a careful, sober scrutiny by every American patriot (and by patriots of all lands) concerned about the menace of Zionism. “Thou Shalt Suck the Milk of the Gentiles” Max Dimont is no closet Zionist. In his book he lets it all hang out. He boldly . . .

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A New Western Prehistory

by Dr. William L. Pierce A map of Europe depicting the spread of megalithic structures across the continent. GENERATIONS of American and European schoolchildren have been taught about the “cradle of civilization” in the Middle East, from which cultural innovations supposedly spread out to other lands, eventually illuminating even the darkest corners of barbarian Europe. The Egyptian pyramids are cited as examples of the first spark of creative engineering applied to the erection of massive stone architecture — a spark which cast a dim light northward and westward, leading to later engineering achievements in Europe. Likewise, the ceramics and metallurgical skills of ancient Mesopotamia are held up as the models which were supposedly later copied by the benighted peoples of . . .

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