Thoughts on Recruiting, Part One

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)

THE WEST is being destroyed as much by sick, criminal, or irresponsible Whites who take their orders from Jews, attempt to curry the favor of Jews, or are under the influence of Jewish ideas as it is by the Jews themselves. Without the active collaboration of millions of White men and women, the Jews would be impotent. This self-evident fact raises several questions relating to recruiting for the Alliance — and, ultimately, to ethical behavior for members.

For example, how does one judge the fitness for membership of a former collaborator? What degree or type of collaboration puts a person forever beyond the pale? What mitigating circumstances should be taken into consideration?

Before answers . . .

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Classic Audio: Mossad and the Jewish Problem

This was Dr. Pierce’s last ADV, recorded less than a month before his death. by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured)

FOR SEVERAL YEARS I have been warning in these broadcasts about the growing infiltration and subversion of American law-enforcement agencies by Jewish pressure groups. This process, which has been going on at a significant rate for more than two decades, accelerated during the Clinton administration, especially after the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995, when Jewish groups put themselves forward as “experts on terrorism,” based on their experience in repressing Palestinians and on their undercover snooping into dissident groups in the United States. They offered training seminars to the FBI and other Federal police agencies, to various . . .

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By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War

Does Jewish survival strategy demand misdirection, coverups, and colossal lies? by Dr. William L. Pierce THE MOTTO of Israel’s spy agency, Mossad, is, according to recently defected Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky: “By way of deception thou shalt do war.” That motto describes more than the modus operandi of the world’s most ruthless and feared organization of professional assassins and espionage agents; it really describes the modus vivendi of an entire race. It is necessary to understand that fact before one can hope to understand fully the role of the Jews in national and world affairs. The concept of a race eternally at war with the rest of the world is alien to us. It is difficult to believe or even to grasp. When . . .

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The Cobbler and the Professor

by Dr. William L. Pierce (pictured) INTRODUCTORY NOTE: On April 30, 1978, Dr. Pierce spoke to a group of Washington-area Alliance members on the type of people we want to recruit for the Alliance. His talk was prompted by an incident which had occurred two days earlier, at an international meeting of anti-communists in Washington. Although virtually all those attending the meeting were Jew-wise, they were mostly middle-class types who are afraid to express their view openly for fear of jeopardizing their incomes. They will talk a very brave line against the Jews behind closed doors and drawn blinds — i.e., when they are sure that their talk will not provoke the Jews into some form of retaliation — . . .

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Toward a Healthy Society By Dr. William L. Pierce I’VE SPOKEN BEFORE about the deliberately destructive role of the mass media in American society. I’ve talked about the psychology of liberalism, about what makes liberals do the crazy and destructive things they do. Today, though, instead of talking about the enemies of our society, the enemies of our people, let’s just talk about our people and the sort of society that we need. You know, a society is a very complex thing: it is like a living organism. It responds to selective environmental forces, and it evolves. In past ages it was the struggle of our people to survive, the competition of our people against other peoples, other races, which determined the nature . . .

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The Holocaust Problem

by Dr. William L. Pierce A LOS ANGELES COUNTY Superior Court judge ruled last month that the so-called “Holocaust” — the alleged extermination of six million Jews by Germany’s National Socialist government during the Second World War — is a historical fact and “is not reasonably subject to dispute.” The ruling was the outcome of a lawsuit by a Jewish concentration camp “survivor,” Mel Mermelstein, now a successful Long Beach, Calif., businessman, against the publishers of a “revisionist” historical periodical, The Journal of Historical Review. (ILLUSTRATION: Buchenwald concentration camp, May 1945: Why were there so many “survivors,” if the German plan was to exterminate all Jews? Jews were put behind barbed wire in Germany during the Second World War for exactly the same . . .

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Anne Frank Hoax Exposed

Clever Jew Made Millions from Dead Daughter

by Dr. William L. Pierce TUCKED AWAY ON pages 119 and 122 of the October 6 issue of Der Spiegel, a weekly German news magazine comparable to Time or Newsweek, was a news item of considerable significance: A scientific analysis of the manuscript purported to be the original diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who died in a German concentration camp during the Second World War, has revealed that the manuscript could not have been written before 1951, six years after the end of the war. (ILLUSTRATION: Anne Frank. She died of typhus in 1945 — but she didn’t write a diary.) The significance of Der Spiegel’s revelation of this fraud is twofold. First, the printing of . . .

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General Patton’s Warning

by Dr. William L. Pierce At the end of World War II one of America’s top military leaders accurately assessed the shift in the balance of world power which that war had produced and foresaw the enormous danger of communist aggression against the West. Alone among U.S. leaders he warned that America should act immediately, while her supremacy was unchallengeable, to end that danger. Unfortunately, his warning went unheeded, and he was quickly silenced by a convenient “accident” which took his life. On the 69th anniversary of General Patton’s death, we are proud to republish this essay from William Pierce’s Attack! newspaper. THIRTY-TWO YEARS AGO, in the terrible summer of 1945, the U.S. Army had just completed the destruction of . . .

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The Essence of Judaism

by Dr. William L. Pierce THE JEWISH PROBLEM is as old as the Jewish race. Over three thousand years ago the Jews were formed as a racial and national community in Egypt. There the former slave Joseph had parlayed his talents for necromancy and grain-speculation into a virtual dictatorship at the side of the Pharaoh. “As for the people, he reduced them to serfdom from one end of the land to the other” (Genesis 47:21). Then Joseph threw open Egypt to his Jewish brethren: “You shall feed on the fat of the land” and “the best that the land of Egypt offers is yours” (Genesis 45:18, 20). When a more national-minded Pharaoh turned the tables on the Jews they were . . .

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The Ideological Roots of Zionism

Paperback Reveals Astounding Zionist Mentality by Dr. William L. Pierce AN INTERESTING and important paperback hit the newsstands a couple of months ago. It is the New American Library (Signet) edition of Max Dimont’s 1971 book, The Indestructible Jews. A quick skim of the book will convince the average reader that it is 482 pages of stark, raving madness. And it is 482 pages of stark, raving madness! But it is a revealing sort of madness that is well worth a careful, sober scrutiny by every American patriot (and by patriots of all lands) concerned about the menace of Zionism. “Thou Shalt Suck the Milk of the Gentiles” Max Dimont is no closet Zionist. In his book he lets it all hang out. He boldly . . .

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